Super busy and don’t have time to work out. Suggestions?


New member
I am a super busy entrepreneur (I do marketing and code apps) and don’t have time to work out. I’ve gone to the gym in college, but haven’t really stuck to a consistent routine in my adulthood. I find that I can't stay consistent because I just don't have time.

Can anyone give suggestions for a complete beginner to get workouts done super fast? Right now, I have a hectic schedule and can’t commit to a regular 1 hour gym routine or anything like that. I’m looking for super fast workouts and tips to speed up the exercise process.
@cflowers87 Do you have an office? If so, what about using a walking pad at your desk to fit in additional exercise while working. Or they suggest walking meetings. I do squats for the 2 minutes while I brush my teeth. Maybe there are things like this you can fit in around your busy day to get you some exercise.
@cflowers87 Yes, you are. The first step is to find a routine yourself, which have posted links everywhere. If you can't even do that, you aren't serious enough about it to stick to it. The people on this sub are here to clarify questions and give advice based on their expertise and what they've learned from their past failures--not do the work or the research for you.

Every person I've ever met chooses to do *something* with their free time. You can cut into your lunch hour, you can decide not to watch that television show after work or you can skip the extra long shower. Just be consistent and stop making excuses for why you "can't".

Almost no one in the world can handle working so much that they have no time to do something. That 'something' you're already doing just has to be replaced by the gym. It takes the same effort your marketing and coding does. Get you some 25-lbs free weights, a weighted jump rope and use a little google-fu.
@diane No, he isn’t. You really don’t understand what other people have in their life. No, your circumstances are not the same as the others. If your not gonna help then just don’t comment.
@dawn16 Please, get that weak excuse out of here. Everyone has stuff going on in their lives. I am helping, just not the way he wants to hear it. Or you, for that matter.

One of the most discussed topics between friends when it comes to going to the gym is, "Oh yeah, I'd like to go, but I just don't have the time." It's akin to that friend of yours that says he wanted to join the military, but they wouldn't take them for some silly reason. Or the all-too-uncommon story of the dad who would have gone pro but he blew his knee out in college--you roll your eyes at it, even if playfully.

These people have the time. Nearly everyone can find half-an-hour at a minimum, they just have to prioritize it over something else they're doing. It's that simple. It's a mindset you have to put yourself in. If you didn't have 30-minutes of downtime in a day to yourself three times a week, you would collapse from the constant exertion--be that mentally or physically.

It's hard. Sometimes (see: most of the time) it sucks, but it's a discipline that you have to commit to. Making excuses is everyone's way of making themselves feel better about a thing they just don't want to commit to.

If you're going to make excuses for other people when their opening request is already trying to give them an out--while also not adding to the conversation at all--YOU don't need to comment and encourage their failure.
@diane Please, read a book. By this time around, everyone should know that having time to a hobby is pretty much a privilege. No, your “mindset” is not gonna change your reality. We are constrained by our environment. READ my other comment. It’s being realistic, not telling him that going to work is an “excuse”, taking care of the family is an “excuse”, making end meet is an “excuse”. To put it simply, you are privileged, and you won’t understand it unless you read about it. Viri Rios is a Mexican journalist and, if you want, you can look her up and see what i mean.
@dawn16 The irony of you thinking you're reading well while simultaneously trying to phrase my words in a way that I didn't say them... yikes.

Read what was actually said, my guy, not moving the goalposts with what you're offended by in my response. Everyone else who works out finds a way to get it done--that's my point. Stop being a snowflake and giving excuses for someone that doesn't need them.

Many of us have jobs and family and other obligations. Most of us are adults. We just don't make excuses to skip the gym. 30-minutes, 3-times-a-week is not difficult.

I'm done wasting time with you. Maybe you should hit the gym, too, since you've proven you have all this free time to debate topics you don't understand in the first place.

good dr mike israetel vid with some tips to cut down gym time. would probably still cross reference basic programs on the internet (eg boostcamp) to get a sense of what sort of exercises in what rep ranges to be doing and write down your reps to make it easier to progress intentionally
@cflowers87 Get up an hour earlier. Get yourself a home gym; so you save time having to drive to the gym.
Use supersets; little rest between exercises. Bang out your 30-60 minutes every morning.
@cflowers87 Op is only replying to the comments about them being lazy. Not any with helpful advice. They're not prepared to work for it and will just come up with more excuses.
@cflowers87 Get a kettlebell and swing it around. There are a lot of really good single kettlebell programs that are 20-30 minutes long.

If the goal of working out is to lose weight though, focus on your diet as well.