You don’t need to get super obsessive or neurotic about range of motion or training at long muscle lengths

@sashacat every single one he listed is loaded the most at/close to the lengthened position. Not sure what you mean? The only one you could argue would be TBar rows because back movements are hardest in the short but the weight also moves closer to you at the top with a Tbar row.
@greyowl it does at its relative most lengthened position with DB/BB depending on the angle of the bench. It's just not the biceps most lengthened position. Something like an Incline db curl gets your bicep to the most lengthened position but doesn't load the bicep most at it's lengthened position. There's actually 0 resistance at the lengthened position like a normal standing bicep curl.
@jgeral0172 Tbh I don't see it on this sub. I see this mostly from the content creation industry (which is almost the entirety of youtube fitness and some social media). They need to jump on these trends to stay relevant and sell you things since the boring old basics don't make money.

It's a huge red flag when someone advocates big changes to your training, often promising significant results based of a single study of mechanistic data only.

There's a particular individual that's huge on instagram/tiktok right now that I won't name. But has a huge influence on those platforms. He will regularly make big claims that there's no evidence for or is based on theory alone and unfortunately a lot of other influencers on those platforms will accept it as absolute truth and spread that misinformation.
@watchman2010 Yeah any study that shows the added benefits of any different way of exercising can only show a marginal difference if any with the "classic" one

Go the caveman way - eat a lot, lift heavier , sleep a lot