teen girl intimidated by mostly-male strength training class


New member
hello! i’m a teen girl, just turned 17. a few weeks ago i signed up for my high school’s strength training class, mostly out of a desire to bulk up a bit in my arms because i am essentially a twig. today was my first class, and i was one of only 2 women in a class of about 15 other men, and also 2 male coaches.

not gonna lie, i was very intimidated. like i said i’m already pretty small, 5’1 and 96lbs, and even the other girl was half a foot taller (and already friends with half the class, so i really was the odd one out). i’m undoubtably the smallest one of the whole class, and also of course a girl.

i don’t want to say this discouraged me, but i’d be lying if i said it didn’t. i just felt like i was already under so much scrutiny and judgment even though realistically i know they probably couldn’t care less, i just don’t want to be the tiny girl in the corner of the class struggling to lift 20lbs, y’know?

sorry if this was a stupid post, but any advice would be appreciated! TIA 😁

edit: hi all! i didn’t expect this to get so many responses :0 but know that i’ve read every single one and i really feel so much better. thank you all so so much for your comments! i have my next class tomorrow and i’m feel a lot more confident about my abilities, and i now know that realistically the other students aren’t concerned with me. so really thank you all! i hope i’ll be able to come back to this sub and post about my progress 😁
@jrsinct Girl all I can say is that I kick myself often for not taking weightlifting in high school. I was 5 ft, 100 lb and intimidated. Stick with it. Never let anyone make you feel like you aren’t good enough to do something you want to do.
@jrsinct Oh my gosh I wish I had thought to start strength training when I was a teen. You go girl! Sometimes it will be hard but I'm so proud of you. You are setting yourself up for success and strength and general badassery. Go get it!
@jrsinct I first went into my predominantly male weight gym class intimidated as well. I was 15 and 5’2, but I weighed around 115 lbs. i felt so out of place going to the same class as boys from the track team, the football team, and the wrestling team as well as the general meathead, protein drinking guys lol. I was lucky in that I had one girlfriend do the class with me and they were around my height but obese.

Yeah, we completely stuck out.

Just like going to the gym in real life, you realize that everyone was just so focused on their own stuff that they don’t really pay attention to you. I actually met some really nice older brother type guys who taught me different aspects of weightlifting and improving my form.

They didnt care that I could barely bench the bar, or that I was struggling with my body weight tricep dips. They were super encouraging and they were my hype men. I probably did get a little lucky, though.

Regardless, I did the class for 3 years in high school and I don’t regret a thing. A lot of the things I’ve learned helped create a foundation for my current fitness routine. I understand that it’s scary to do something new and to be the minority but TRY IT ANYWAYS. I applaud you for going anyways, and for wanting to improve yourself.

Good luck, girl!
@jrsinct That's great that you're starting early and learning a new skill! Starting new things and meeting new people can be intimidating at first, but you'll become more comfortable the more you practice starting new skills and meeting new people.
@jrsinct Here’s the secret: when anyone starts anything, especially weight lifting, no one knows what their doing. The beauty of a class is they can teach you safety, form, and hopefully how to choose the best exercises for the results you want. You can do this!!
@jrsinct Well to be honest, considering the age of the people in the class, I would think there might be some snickering or commenting or joking or whatever but only at the beginning. We all went to high school and remember those days. That's due to age. I would think most won't care or so anything though as they are focused on getting their own physique better. If anyone says anything, just keep in mind, it's to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities.

As you get older and go to a public gym, you won't hear comments . . . at all . . . even if the guy next to you is benching 300lbs and you're just benching the barbell. We're all in there to get better, and some people have been doing it for years already while other people are stepping in for the first time.

That being said, I commend you on starting your fitness journey so young and hope you continue.
@jrsinct I got into weightlifting because of my high schools class! It was a bunch of dudes too, but think of it like this, they’re about as knowledgeable in the weight room as you! Y’all are all starting out, and I guarantee you’ll have a great time and feel comfortable in the weight room after this class! You totally got this!
@jrsinct You get it girl!!! I am 5’ 105lbs and when I started strength training 5 years ago I was only able to work with a 9lbs kettlebells. 3 days ago I snatched a 44lb kettlebell and I feel so proud of myself. You are doing it for yourself and you will thank yourself for not quitting!
@jrsinct Ten years ago I didn’t sign up for the weights class for the same reason... there ended up being a ton of girls in it! You might end up being an inspiration to your peers!
@jrsinct All strength training classes are like that my one I took my senior year had a literal twig of a girl in there but everyone starts somewhere and everybody who lifts knows that fact so there’s no reason to be intimidated
@jrsinct I think you’re awesome and I don’t think I would’ve had the confidence that YOU do have to take a strength class when I was in high school, so GET IT girl!!!
@jrsinct Nobody cares how small you are. Any strength class worth it’s salt will be full of people who want to encourage you, and everyone in there is in the same boat: they want to get stronger. Well done for having the guts to go to the class in the first place. I’d say the hard bit is over!
@jrsinct I bet you a thousand bucks that some of those other people are intimidated by YOU, and their own internal monologues were beating up on them even harder than yours was, saying “oh wow, you are nervous and just look how tiny she is, she is way braver than you!”

You belong - and you are inspiring people in ways you will never know! Way to go girl!!
@jrsinct In my experience as a woman, men are very respectful of women trying to get stronger in the weight room. They absolutely understand that a woman will probably lift much lower weights and that this can be extremely challenging for a woman even more so than for guys because we don’t have the testosterone boost. I think you’re gonna be surprised at how much support and respect you will get.
@jrsinct Oh sweetie, just get in there and lift. I started working out at 16. Got really serious about weights in college. The best part is, once you develop muscle, even if you years without working out, once you start again you'll gain it all back in a short period of time. I haven't been ripped in almost 20 years. I started back at the gym 4 months ago and have 70% of my muscle back. My back, shoulders and arms have serious definition. This is the best thing any woman can do for herself because not only does weight training increase bone mass, which decreases osteoporosis later in life, but you'll always be able to get your body back which is huge as you age. I know it can seem intimidating when you start, but eventually you'll walk around like you own the joint and you'll feel more empowered than you ever have.
@jrsinct I did the same thing when I was in high school (13 years ago now, sigh) and I was one of two girls in my class. Thankfully I knew some of the guys in my class and ended up pairing up with a couple of them. It wasn’t weird working with them at all. They were great hype men for my bench press and In general I don’t think guys would give you a hard time for your lifts. Do you know any of the guys in your class? How are they generally? Try suggesting you want to do something and need a spot partner. If you’d rather do your own thing, just feign confidence and go for it. If anyone judges you for the weights/your physique, they are probably pretty insecure themselves
@jrsinct I am so glad you signed up!! Thank you for posting here. I remember being 17 and I felt intimidated too in my high school weight lifting class. I remember I had to start with the 15 pound bar lol. The class was fun and there were several other girls and all the kids were cool. Keep at it and be proud of all your gains! You will probably make a few pals and it could start you on a lifelong journey of fitness. Way to push yourself and step outside your comfort zones!