Tell me I’m not crazy


New member
I’m 55F my bmi was 27 when I really started the latest push to take 30 pounds off. I was thin for much of my adult life. I now have a 40% body fat last dexa scan and a lot of the problems people my age have who are overweight. Mild hypertension, borderline high cholesterol, pre diabetic A1c. I walk/run daily and get my “10k” steps and even keep my HR in the zones. I am trying to do weight training on the machines three times a week at my gym.
Here’s the problem. To lose more than a pound/week I have to eat like 1000-1250 cal/day because of my size and age. I’m surprised at how much of a battle it is to take off this last 30 pounds.
Where I live most people my age are overweight and sedentary. They think I’m crazy to want to lose more and that I have an eating disorder or body dysmorphia…I constantly have to defend why I’m working so hard and being so restrictive in my eating. It’s honestly not about vanity at this age.
@roarke You're not crazy, keep it going!! I'm 50 and have been doing progressive overload (to failure or a couple reps in reserve) and macros the last two years. I've recomped and lost 25 lbs. I wish I had a dexa when I started to compare it to, but just had one today. I'll redo in 9 weeks at the end of this 10-wk hypertrophy mesophase. I'm on no meds, labs are in healthy ranges, no pain, no mobility issues. And yes macros / calorie tracking sucks but so easy to gain if we don't. My RMR is 1450, also per today's test.
@roarke …and focus on overall calories for the WEEK…not just for the day. You can have one day that’s a little more or one day when you’re not as hungry and have a little less…or maybe you want to save a little for a treat one night. It all washes out.
@roarke Are you on HRT for menopause? I’m
Only 50 but have been going thru it since I was 42. It’s extremely hard to lose any amount of weight at this age. I managed to keep my gain contained at 15 lbs and have spent the past 5 years trying to lose it. I have lost 10lbs but the last 5 won’t budge. My belly fat remains a struggle. I’ve been on HRT for over 5 years now

I’m still thin but it’s taken a ton of work of a bunch of changes to my diet. I can no longer drink any amount of alcohol without gaining weight overnight. Sugary and junk food are also out. Intermittent fasting is in.
@roarke How do you know? Those symptoms you mentioned are common menopause symptoms. It’s not all hot flashes and heavy periods. My periods got easier and I didn’t have hot flashes
@ambassadorcjk Right that’s why I said I’m not menopausal, Im perimenopausal and still have periods like clockwork. My gynecologist doesn’t support HRT for peri because your hormones are still fluctuating during that time and any levels would just be a snapshot of that particular time
@roarke Ok, I’d like to invite you to the menopause forum sometime- when you’re ready to accept it:) Your gyno like most gynos is not trained in menopause care and is wrong.
@ambassadorcjk I don't even know that HRT makes any difference. I'm post menopause but I've never taken HRT and I can lose weight fine but it's also very slow going.

But yeah, my diet has to be super clean 90% of the time now. Just looking at bread makes me put on weight! 😭
@roarke I agree. People think it's about "looks" ha! at this age it's about how our body feels. Heck, I don't even look at myself in the mirror much anymore.

I'm kind of in a similar situation. I'm not yet overweight but very close to being so. I want to lose about 10# so I can get back into running and not be between clothing sizes. I've weight lifted for 10+ years and can eat 1,800 calories/day and lose about a pound per week. If you're working out regularly then you may be able to go up to 1,500 calories/day and still lose, just won't be as fast. Good luck!
@roarke You’re not crazy, you’re doing the right thing. Just because everyone else what’s to slack off, not put in any work and then drain their bank account on Semaglutide, BBLs, and tummy tucks isn’t your fault.
@sanj79 Please don't lump tummy tucks in with surgeries like BBLs.

Tummy tucks are for people who HAVE put the work in to get in shape after pregnancy or weight loss.
@robinmoz My bad, I think I need to clarify exactly what I mean because, I’ve seen a lot of this type of behavior. As a matter of fact I know someone who is dead because of this type of thing..........

Since I’m an American and Black I’ve seen A LOT of this “Surgery Culture” for lack of a better term. It’s mostly women who don’t partake in ANY form of exercise, eat all sorts of crap, and then because of weird rationale come to the conclusion that no form of diet or exercise will work. So then they decide to beg, borrow or do any sort activity to get the money to fly down to South America to get surgeries.

"They think I’m crazy to want to lose more and that I have an eating disorder or body dysmorphia…I constantly have to defend why I’m working so hard and being so restrictive in my eating. It’s honestly not about vanity at this age."

These are the types of people I thought you were talking about when you said this, so if I offended you again, I apologize.

Before I go I’d like to ask you a question....... You said you trying to do weight training with machines. When you say trying what exactly do you mean by that?