Tell me I’m not crazy

@sanj79 It wasn’t me the OP who objected to your comment.
I go to a gym that has egym machines. They are basically the usual weight machines but they are automated to give you a strength test on each machine then set a weight and reps for you automatically each time you scan your bracelet. I do the circuit twice, it takes about 45 min and world arms legs and core
@roarke Although you’re 55, you don’t say your current weight or how tall you are - and your age has little to do with your metabolism - especially since you said you are not menopausal or post-menopausal. You are still producing estrogen which assists in weight loss.

Unless you are under 5’0”, those calories are not what you should consume, especially if you are staying you have 30 pounds to lose. Taking exercise off the table because while it may seem like you are doing extensive amounts, it’s really not going to affect your loss that much. To take off 1 a pound a week, you need to be in a deficit of 7,000 calories a week (1,000 a day). The goal to losing weight is to lose weight on as MANY calories as possible, not as little. What is your TDEE? Have you calculated it?

Going to go on a limb and say this…(I’m making assumptions here) If I were setting your calories and macros, I would have you at 1600-1700 a day (11,200 - 11,900 a week) and put your protein target at 125 grams. 50 grams of fat and 160 grams of carbs (this is 1600 calories a day), for 1700 your carbs would bump to 185. Then be super diligent about weighing and measuring your food and logging it in a tracker. Take personal measurements and weight yourself 3-4 times a week, if not everyday.

This should give you some satisfaction. Hope it helps. If you need more help, reach out. I’m a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach so I’m happy to help.
@roarke Oh…I’m sorry…I just re-read the number and it does say 1 pound and I wrote 1 pound. Oh boy. My bad. Anyway…at 5’6” and 154, 1600-1700 calories would fall right in line with your goal. Don’t look at a fitness tracker or worry about what it’s saying you “burn.” Only focus on the calorie and protein intake. Even if you are over in fat/carbs, the focus is calories and protein. Try those numbers for 3 weeks. Be consistent and compliant. Change nothing else about your lifestyle. Weight loss is an inexact science. Not everyone is the same and numbers can be tweaked, as needed. But, hit the calories (first) and protein (2nd).
@liz869802 Currently I’m 5’6 and 154 pounds. When I do cardio my fitness tracker has me at burning around 2000cal/day. If I’m sedentary it puts me at 1650. I just plugged it into a tdee calculator which also put me at 2000 for moderate exercise. 1000-1250 cal day would give me a 1.5-2 pound wr loss per week which seems like something to shoot for. I am focusing on protein My diet consists of nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, grilled chicken shrimp, canned tuna, chike protein coffee and steak until I’m ready to die lol. Thankfully I don’t have a carb problem. No sweet tooth or bread loving at all.
@roarke It took you 55 years to get to where you are; there's no quick fix. Decide what you're willing to do for the rest of your life and start doing it. Don't think about losing weight. Think about doing "the right thing." Don't eat crap, move your body, take care of your soul. Give yourself some time and some grace. You're a work in progress. Be your authentic badass self. Every day.
@roarke Well that is really puzzling. I do not think you’re crazy however. The body is mysterious things sometimes or at least it seems that way. I too was thin and trim or at least thin a lot of my adult life until my 30s which was like 20 years ago now -pretty hard to think of that actually. Anyway I digress. I’m sorry to hear that you were having these discouraging things happening. I’m Amy by the way and I’m new around here. Can’t wait to talk to all of you! ❤️ keep moving