The revenge diet...with a plot twist?


New member
So I’ve always been around 170lbs. So not chunky. Not skinny. Lil’ chub. I was okay with that. Fast forward to 6 years ago, I was in 2 awful relationships. Gained 140lbs in the past 6 years.

I tried everything to get the weight off. Every diet. Like. Every. Single. One.

Then 7 months ago, I discovered the revenge diet. I ditched 100 lbs quick with only 40 more to go.

And sitting on my toilet, right now, it just kinda hit me.

Screw ‘em. Screw revenge dieting. Screw making yourself look good for other people. Screw eating well for the satisfaction of knowing you look amazing and they no longer get to date you. SCREW IT.

Because it F-I-N-A-L-L-Y just hit me that I’m doing this for ME. I’m eating well to make myself healthy for ME. I’m working out to look good for ME.

It’s like this moment of clarity that I’ve been waiting forever to finally have and ugh, maybe some of you never needed this clarity and have always had it. But as someone who’s spent so many years dieting for other people: it is GOLDEN to finally realize that I need to do this for me. And not for anyone else.
@joanmc Good for you!!!! I had the same revelation after I separated from my ex husband. Doing it for yourself feels so much better and rewarding!!
@joanmc I was at 230 last August. Ex bf and I broke up in October from then to Feb I dropped to 220. The whole time after we broke up, I was telling myself that we could " still be friends" aka he wanted a booty call and I wanted him back. Stupid and awful, I know. Anyway in February I told him I never want to see him again, that see him was just torturing myself. After I blocked him from my life I was able to start taking my diet and exercise seriously and am now at 190.
Diet and exercise is hard but when it comes from a place of love and self care it's a breath of fresh air
@dawn16 Yes. Seriously. I feel like I’m doing this for me. But I actually FEEL it, ya know. Like I’m not just telling that to myself while really knowing it’s BS in the back of my mind. I feel free.