16 Months to get a revenge body

@raihan12 So the diet is called a “protein sparing modified fast” and basically what it does is have you eat only what your body needs to maintain muscle (protein). So you’re putting your body in a fasting state, where it will burn your body fat for fuel, but you will be eating enough protein to not lose muscle mass and also not be starving.

Aside from protein, you’re basically cutting all carbs and as much fat as possible. This diet is only supposed to be used on a short term basis. So you’re eating almost only lean protein and non-starch vegetables.

High protein, low fat: Chicken breast, pork tenderloin, Snapper, Cod, Halibut, Venison (I make patties like hamburger), Bison, Beef tenderloin, Ground lean beef 94% lean, Egg white (I bake in muffins with veggies)

Veggies are leafy greens, things like spinach, asparagus, zucchini, I eat broccoli and cauliflower on this diet.

No fruit, starchy veggies, rice, bread, alcohol, added sugar. No fatty meats like pulled pork or chicken thighs.

Where I differ on this diet is I allow small amounts of oil to make it bearable- so I cook my veggies in oil. I also will use chili oil. Sometimes a touch of bbq sauce. But I don’t overdo it. I also eat salmon. This was fine for me calorie wise, and made it more bearable. Soy sauce and spices are no cals though!

I also ate a lot of 0% fage Greek yogurt

The diet recommends fish oil supplements as well (10mg per day)

Diet allows 1 reasonable cheat meal per week but this does slow progress

So to start, calculate your recommended protein requirements. Multiply your body weight (some use ideal bodyweight) by .8 - 1g. So if I’m 135, that’s between 108-135g protein per day. I aim for like 110-120g when I do this diet.

Then plan your meals so that you hit that target per day, and add in as many low cal veggies as you want. Total calories per day will be something like 800+ish.

Continue weight lifting as usual.
@raihan12 Def hard to maintain. It's really for a short term, for me it's the only thing that will work for the "last 10lb" kind of weight. I'm now doing it for 30 days before a big vacation / start of summer
@aspatat Look up fat loss made simple by dr mike israetel on youtube. Great info on rp channel from nutrition to workouts. 16 months is a long time and you can make a noticeable appearance change in that time. Best of luck
@aspatat i would focus on losing weight first, and then building muscle. in my personal opinion body recomps are harder. i like to have one goal in mind at a time- makes it easier.

i lost 22 pounds in a few months, and reached my goal weight. once i was at a low enough bf% i started building muscle. a few months of building muscle and strength training have totally changed my body. booty is plump, arms are tones, abs have definition. if you want a lean toned look this is how i recommend going about it!

you can lose 2 pounds a week safely without gaining it back- that's what i did. being 5"3 you will need less calories than most to be in a defecit. that is okay! eating protein will make the defecit so much easier because it keeps you full for longer.

if there are 4 weeks in each month, and you had 16 months to lose weight, you could lose as much as 128 pounds in that time. you obviously don't need to lose that much, but you see what i mean when i say 16 months is sooo much time to lose weight.

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