Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@loralees46 I feel you! When I first started going to the gym I would focus solely in the cardio section (treadmill/cycling/stairmaster) so I could look at what others were doing and slim down a little before putting on more muscle. That’s what worked for me. I did that for about 3 weeks until I was confident to take on weights or machines on my own and then I realized there is nothing to be afraid of. Don’t compare yourself to other people, we are all on our own journeys.
Another thing that may help is taking the weights to a different section if you feel more comfortable. I would go at time they didn’t have any classes going on and we could use the room with the huge mirror. There would be like 2 other people doing their own thing. It was nice! You got this :)
@stephny I’m 5’ right now and weigh 106. Used to weigh 98 and wasn’t a fan of it. Wanted to gain more muscle. So I decided to work out more. Started doing circuits, that involved squats and deadlifts. Started noticing improvement in lower bottom and Gained 8 pounds. Also ate a lot more food! So just working out and eating more. Especially more protein. It’s pretty simple, but it’s just about consistency.
If you’re finding it hard to lose weight I’d go to a doctor, it could be from a hormonal imbalance, like PCOS, or hypothyroidism. Good luck!
@stephny I’m 5’0 currently 120 (was 134 a year ago) my goal weight is 115 which seems impossible to shed that last 5 lb. I lift medium weight low impact cardio 5x a week and eat about 300-400 cal deficit with at least 110 grams of protein. Wine is my cryptonite which I have tried to not drink during the week but come Friday when I give myself a cheat day I’m back to the same weight I started the Monday before. Progress lost. I carry most weight in my belly which I know comes from motherhood as I have 3 kids and diastasis recti.
@stephny i’m 42kg and i’m trying to at least get to 46kg, I’ve just been trying to eat bigger meals and more high calorie nutrient dense foods and lift weights
@stephny Same height

SW: 136
CW: 126
GW: nothing as i just want to eat healthily

I did this in 4 months with walking 10k steps a day and eating roughly 1300 calories a day. I don't calorie count any more as i find it toxic for my mental. BUT it did give me an idea of what my day should look like and I'm still losing!
@stephny 5‘2“, CW-134, GW-114 to 119, SW-138.

I don’t get a lot of time to go to the gym along with counting calories so CICO is the way for me for now. I’ve ordered dumbbells so more strength training on the way. I started in January but have had to take breaks during work events that had me travelling.

I’ve always felt most comfortable in my body in that weight range. I move better when I’m in that range. Even though progress is slow, I’m okay with that as long as it’s sustainable for me.

My days are pretty hectic with work and studies so workout takes a backseat sometimes. The only thing I can commit to is CICO.
@stephny Are you counting calories, protein target, and macros?

Macros: I found eating 1g protein per lb body weight which sets the control for my macros and a higher fat diet helped me a lot on top of a deficit.

My macros are 40%fat/35%protein/25%carbs.

If I was veg I might lower my fat a bit and increase carbs (but try to keep them higher and lower relative to each other) to start as most of your veggies and legumes are also carbs.
@stephny 5’1 also currently around 140. My GW is 127 because I’ve been that weight before and really liked how I looked, although this time I do want more muscle. I’m starting out with CICO, low carb and intermittent fasting, and walking quite a bit. This week I’ll start to incorporate weights (I do lesmills body pump at home). Been a bit slow to get to this part because of a fractured elbow I had a couple months ago. My goal date is pretty aggressive at June 1. I’d like to lose 10 lbs there and then start maintenance with heavier lifting.

Eta: as far as protein intake the past few weeks I’ve been hitting 120-140g almost every day. Eating a lot of chicken, chicken sausage, tuna, sardines, occasional steak, cottage cheese and protein shakes.
@stephny The number is arbitrary, it will look different on every body.

I’m 115 but muscular and leaning out, but many years ago when I wasn’t lifting weights, 115 looked a little different. I go my measurements and how I feel.
@stephny I’m 5’3 130lbs with 30% body fat. So I’m focused on the body fat number. I want it to be 25% for my first major milestone. So that means I need to loose 8.67lbs of fat. It’s a little daunting, but I’m focusing on building muscle through weight training and Pilates, walking, counting calories, and keeping protein at 125g per day. It’s going to take probably 5 mos of consistency (or so I hope) but once I make this milestone, I’ll decide how I look/feel to keep going or maintain. I’m resolving it’s going to be a slooooowwwww process.
@stephny 5’1 and currently 148lbs. My goal weight is first 130, then 125. A severe back injury had me gain about 30 pounds a couple of years ago from not being able to be active and I am finally healed up and in a place to start working out again. I started last year with hot yoga 3-6x a week, depending on my schedule that week. That got my body strong, Pain-free, and ready for the next phase. Now I lift weights (dumbells at home with peloton app classes) every other day and do a Pilates class on my day off from weight lifting 30-45mins/day. I’ll take a rest day here and there if I need it but I try to be active every single day. I shoot for 10,000 steps a day, but most days I get about 7-8k. I still fit in a hot yoga class 1-2x a week because I absolutely love it, but focusing on toning and losing weight. Eating at a deficit of 1360 calories a day. Weight loss is SLOW as molasses but not focusing on the number on the scale as much as how I feel, and I feel amazing and strong. I’ve taken measurements and photos to track my progress. I try to keep any processed foods and sugar out of my diet as much as possible, but I don’t restrict, as long as I stay in my calorie deficit, I’m good. My diet mostly consists of organic whole foods and local foods as much as possible. I prioritize protein and try to get at least 120g daily. I track and weigh everything that I consume in MFP. It’s annoying AF, but my goals are important to me and I know estimating doesn’t work for me.
@stephny 4'11" and 140lbs just trying to get into the normal BMI range for now (124lbs) and then working to where I feel the best from there, probably recomping to stay around that
@stephny Goal weight range is 110-125 lbs anything more and my clothes fit a lil snug. Any less and my period cycle is not great. Plus my clothes don't fit as nice. And no boobs lower than 110
@stephny 5'1" id like to be between 110-115 depending on muscle mass. Im 120lbs and look fine, but have more fat mass than id like. I start to look a bit sickly any less than 107lbs and lose muscle mass. Im more interested in retaining muscle and keeping a healthy fat than the scale. I have never been heavier than 128lbs.

I do not diet and rarely count calories. I think i have always been pretty good not over eating. I just limit my sugar intake, especially drinks. And upping protein was very important for gaining muscle. Trying to move around a lot. I do some basic weight training and pilates strength training and a bit of cardio. I am pretty fit but i dont look shredded at all lol.
@stephny 5’1 f here - gw is around 110lbs (cw is 129) i’m open to going higher or lower depending on how my body visually looks. i’m looking to lean out & then build a ton of muscle so as long as i lean out more on my arms, i’m happy with whatever weight that puts me at!!

so far i’ve lost 14 lbs and this is what i’ve done to get to this point in 10 weeks:
- 1300 to 1500 calories
- gym 6x a week + an active recovery day
- 10k steps daily
- one gallon of water daily
- 8-9 hrs of sleep each night