Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@stephny 5’1 GW - 125
My highest was 150. My lowest was 120.

My manageable weight is around 135 and I maintain there fairly easily.

But for me to feel my most confident I’d probably be around 125.

I walk a lot for work and work long hours so it’s hard for me to workout on work days. However, I run regularly and do strength training.

I also have to consider that my job requires me to lift heavy stuff and having a little extra weight helps with that. This keeps me from getting to a weight that I’d probably look best at.

My focus is always on diet when I want to lose weight. I try to keep calories under 1500 if I want to cut. I can maintain at about 2000 or higher depending on my exercise.
@stephny 5’1, gw 110ish but strong and muscular like I was before kids. I don’t have much weight to lose but finding time to strength train is the real challenge.
@stephny 5'1 sitting at 123 After two years of lifting and being consistent with maintence and calorie deficit of about 200 lbs. roughly between 1500-1700 calories. I would be happy to lose a few more lbs but i already don't drink, and limit not sure how much lower I would be happy with. Would like to lose a bit more fat, so we will see!
@stephny 150cm (about 4’11) and my goal weight is about 43kg. It is by far the weight I’ve felt healthiest at but yet enjoyed the way my body looked. My lowest weight was 39kg and although its not far from 43kg, I had major health issues and right now sit at 52kg🥲Crazy journey but if I can get down to even 45kg that’ll be fine with me🫶🏽
@stephny Used to be 165, now down to 120 through diet alone. I wanna get to 110 SO bad but can’t seem to get myself to exercise consistently. Can’t get myself to eat any less, I am pretty much skinny fat now, barely have muscle to me.
@stephny 5’1: currently 54kgs, goal is around 50kg.
I’ve been around 50kg for a high majority of my life but not sure what that looks like with decent muscle so we will see.
I’m working on some health related things with my naturopath that should finally let my body not hold onto weight and getting in my daily steps again, not snaking on treats as much and working out more regularly.
@stephny 5’0. I went down to 125 and I was average but miserable. Granted, I have a long history of disordered eating habits (both bingeing and heavy restriction). But still… while that weight is very normal for a lot of people, it just wasn’t sustainable for me

I gained a lot since then. At this point, I just want to get down to 140 and focus more on building up my strength than losing a lot of weight. Maybe eventually I’ll try to lose more weight, but we’ll see when we get there. I can’t imagine dropping below 130 again, and I’m content with that

I’ve lost 12lbs so far (a lot more to go). I’m mostly trying to fix my relationship with food and my body. It’s a long process
@stephny 5’ I find that I feel best around 115 however I’ve been focused on putting on muscle. Currently 140. If I get to 125 and I like the way I look, feel and my clothes fit again I’d be okay with that. Not that attached to the number in the scale.
@stephny 5’0”, started at 150, currently around 146, goal is 115. but tbh even getting down to 125 again would be great.

i try to exercise at least 4-5 times a week, and try to eat around 1300-1450 cals most of the week. sometimes life gets in the way (had barely any progress this week) but im hoping it’ll be worth it in the long run. i would like to gain more muscle too but mostly focused on losing rn since i don’t carry extra weight well.
@stephny 5'0 here. CW: 95lbs GW: 105lbs to bulk then 100lbs.

I'm small and it's been difficult trying to eat in excess calories. Before I started eating more I was around 89-90lbs. Most of the weight I've gained so far is muscle which is nice. I've been eating a bunch of peanut butter, snacking, and drinking a smoothie daily. Slowly its working I think ahaha. I'm debating just getting mass gainer to gain 10lbs. 🫠
@stephny I'm 5'0, dropped 48 pounds and I have another 50 pounds to go until my next milestone(150 lbs)
I'm also vegetarian so please drop your top protein sources lmao

I originally mainly relied on a calorie deficit with minimal exercise but this year, I decided to be more serious and started resistance training to help me look more defined as I lose fat. My caloric intake is about 1800kcal but I may have to increase it
@alicoobasta That’s amazing progress!! So far, I switch between eating 3 eggs or 2 eggs and 2 egg whites. I pair that with 1/4 cup of 1% fat cottage cheese and then I’ll have another 1/4 cup later in the day. Skyr or Greek yogurt. I also love Siggi’s plant based coconut yogurt.

I have cut down a lot of the Gardein, Beyond, and Morning Star protein sources because they’re so fatty and have lots of carbs sadly. I love them but I eat them in super moderation. This is mainly why I went pescatarian but even then, too much fish put us as risk for mercury, cadmium, and lead, so I have to spread it out maybe 2 times a week.

I personally love soymilk, so that’s another source. Or I buy Ripple when on sale. The protein to calorie ratio is nice! Beans and lentils when I eat rice. I like Soylent’s as a meal replacement drink but when I don’t have those just a good protein powder and water does just fine!
@stephny 5’1 I look really good at about 115-120 and I’m currently 123lbs. So I’m doing a mini cut I just lift heavy and track what I eat. I do cardio 6 days a week to cut. When I’m not cutting 3 days a week. I lift 3 days a week and get 120g of protein a day. I cut through cardio.
@stephny I felt my best at 47 kg - I was able to run a lot but also lift a lot of weight. I love doing both and I didn't want to sacrifice one for the other (if I was lighter I'd have an easier time running but if I was heavier I could lift more) and 47 kg was the perfect balance of both. I was squatting 70 kg but I was also able to keep up with the athletics practice as a beginner. Best of both worlds but now I don't have the luxury to be that active anymore unfortunately 🥲

My diet just consisted of eating when I was hungry, drinking a lottt of water (a glass before the meal, a glass during the meal, and maybe a glass after the meal. I'm always thirsty 😭) and replacing most of my snacks with black coffee or a protein bar
@stephny 5”0 SW 198 CW 173 GW 135 HIIT classes and making sure I get 10k steps a day and eating less. I eat around 1000-1600 calories a day depending on what I’m doing