Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?

@stephny I'm 5'1 and currently 118.8 lbs (started at 135, 3.5 months ago).

I do ADF (alternate day fasting) and do rolling 42s (fast for 42 hours, eat, fast 42 hours, eat - repeat). It works for me because I know I will 1) always be at a deficit, 2) don't have to compromise my fav foods, 3) can still eat whatever I want, 4) I get full faster, and of course many other benefits to fasting. I do not work out but once I reach my goal weight of 95-110, I will start building muscle.
@stephny 5’1” goal weight is my usual 106lbs.

I’m at 117 currently and it feel really heavy on my body. Super hard to ride and hike uphill with the extra weight.
@stephny I’m 5’2, little taller than you, but still. My lowest in adulthood at my height was 125, I had to cut out all alcohol, workout everyday, and eat high protein in a caloric deficit etc to get there and that’s basically what I’m doing now. Have to live a very healthy lifestyle and I cannot stress enough, absolutely no alcohol. It makes me blow up. My heaviest and starting was on Christmas at 160. I’m 147 today. 125 feels really lean but I agree with you that it feels hard because my body also just looooves having fat on it, I swear.
@stephny 5'2"" and cw = 122lbs. Goal weight used to be 115lbs but I don't think I need/want to go that low anymore. I just qant to lose and keep off the last three pounds to get that lean look and light feel so new goal weight is about 119lbs.
@stephny I’m 5’1, currently 125, sw 155, aiming for 105-110. Above 115 I’m really not happy with my legs, but under 105 I start to look a little too small up top (my ribs in particular). So that’s my good comfy range and I’d like to get back to it.
@stephny 5’1 and 149lbs down about 20 pounds now, but hoping to be 120 pounds soon. I’ve been at that weight before and looked very normal. I went even lower to 110lbs but I found that it made me look veryyy skinny and i’m pretty curvy so 120 for me is the sweet spot!
@stephny I am 5‘0 and about 105 pounds and would like to be regularly near a 100. I know that I am technically skinny, but I do not feel like it and would like to take my fitness more seriously.
I tried going to the Gym for a few months but I felt it was very expensive for the amount I was going.
@stephny 5'1 CW 120lbs, GW 100lbs. I started at 137lbs and got down to 115lbs but lost my rhythm and gained back to 125lbs. Calorie counting to get back down but illness has stalled my progress. I need to get into lifting and make my workouts more consistent.
@stephny 5’1” SW160, CW:116 (was at 108 summer 2023) shooting for GW:108-110 and be able to eat without being hungry all the time. The struggle is real trying rebuild metabolism. I’m at 1600c now and slowly increasing so I can do a cut at 1500.
Strength train 6days and walk 10k steps daily
I do have a pretty good amount of muscle and strength already (can always add more though!)
53 yrs and have kids
@stephny I'm 5'1", currently 128. My highest was 138, and my goal is 115. All of my teens and early 20s I stayed around 110-115 despite being completely sedentary and eating whatever I wanted... now in my mid 20s it all caught up to me. A few years ago I was in a terrible relationship that made me so anxious that I could barely choke down a granola bar per day.. got down to 105, felt awful but WOW I looked good.. I know that'll never be sustainable for me though. So 115 is my goal.. I'd be happy hovering between 115 and 120.

I am naturally an extremely lazy and sedentary person.. exercise in any capacity is not my forte. I have a treadmill at home, and have been trying to stay consistent with a slight uphill 2 miles, 4 or 5 times a week. I've also been doing my best to eat around 1,300 calories and 100g protein per day. I know I should start strength training but I don't even know where to start.

I know the next 10 pounds will be much more difficult to shed than the first 10 pounds so I really gotta kick it into high gear
@stephny 5’2. 127 pounds now. My goal weight is around 122. I used to be 115 but I gained muscle and people tell me I look better now. :) I hope I can drop a few pounds.
@stephny 5'1 GW: 105lbs maybe 115
CW: 162lbs
Highest weight: 167lbs
Losing weight is probably one of the most difficult things I've ever tried to do. It's annoying because I am one of those people who can do anything I put my mind to as long as I truly want it...except my weight loss! Recently I am trying to let go of the weight and even how I visually look because I think it might be rasisng my cortisol, which makes one gain weight/hold on to weight anyway. Also focusing on visuals means that if it doesn't seem to change it led me to give up on whatever I was doing because I didn't like it in the first place and it's not working anyway! (Ex. Tried intense workouts for a few weeks and didn't see results so I stopped bc it's wasn't fun)

Now I'm doing things I truly enjoy and benefit me in a lot more ways. Eating more whole foods, limiting sugar and eating out, fasting, low-intensity workouts, walking walking walking, meditation, stretching/yoga, taking it very slow and letting myself do these things naturally and loving myself of course. This way, even if I don't lose any weight at all I think I will at least be a lot happier and healthier. But truly it's taken probably years for me to naturally want to do and implement these things. Tiny little habits over 1-2 years have brought me here. Where just this month everything started working together and clicking.

So I guess I'll see in a year or two if any weight comes off. If not, I think I'll have to take it to the medical professionals because I would at least like to be in a smaller BMI range bc I physically feel less comfortable than at my lowest which was 137ish lbs in 2020.
@stephny 5’1” - 90 lbs.

My goal is to be 90 lbs shredded. Used to be 110 lbs, lost to 85 lbs while going to the gym and got rather lean, but nothing crazy. Currently trying to gain muscle. I plan to slowly gain up to 100 lbs. Once I’m that weight, I will probably cut down to 90 lbs again. I like being slim.
@stephny I’m in similar boat. I am down 60lbs from my heaviest, fluctuating 10lbs up/down since the holidays.
I have a hard, hard time losing weight and keeping it off too. I’m trying to hit 10k step minimum, lift 3x a week and mix in some cardio. It hasn’t been super great for me so far, but I’ll step it up and maybe do gym 4x a week. we got this!!! I think as long as we are consistent it’s the best thing we can do for ourselves.
@stephny 5’1” - GW 99 lb, CW 103 lb

I maintain 103-107 naturally without putting in much effort. To get below that 100 lb mark I have to be eating pretty consistently clean and be very active.