Those who are 5’0/5’1, what is your goal weight and what are you doing to get there?


New member
I’m 5’1, 141lbs(63kg), (26F) and my current body fat 28%. I have been working out a lot for years but in the past 2 years a lot of yoga, cycling, rowing, and Pilates 4-6x a week but my body wants to hold on to fat so bad.

I was vegan for 7 years where I fluctuated between 135-152 (my biggest), and right after going vegetarian last year I went down to 124lbs and loved it!

After the holidays I’m back up and I’m finding it so hard to keep the weight off. I know a lot of this is genetics but I wanted to see if my goals of being in the 120’s is even possible for me to stick to.

I have been pescatarian for a week and really like how much protein I’ve been getting in, so that with eggs and small amounts of dairy like cottage cheese or Greek yogurt may get me to my goal weight. Any further advice or tips would be so helpful!
@stephny 5’1/2”- 120 lbs.

I made it to my goal weight of 110 (163>110), and then went into a bulk. I ended my bulk after 6 months and am currently cutting. The number on the scale isn’t as important anymore, it’s more of a general guideline.
I got down to 110 and I was lean but with little muscle mass. To help shape my body I ate in a 300-400 calorie surplus, lifted heavy at low reps, and ate a minimum of 120g of protein. To get back down to being lean I am eating in a 300 calories deficit, lifting lower weight high reps, and aiming for a minimum of 140g of protein.
@dawn16 This is the way! Tons of cardio also made me too hungry, I focus on lifting now and eat low carb/high protein and run/walk maybe 2-3 miles 4-5x a week just to exercise my dogs.
@dawn16 THIS is the correct answer. If you want to LOOK amazing and FEEL amazing. It isn't so much about a particular diet (keto, pescatarian, vegetarian, etc.)---it is about your calories and your protein. It is about lifting heavy. It is about building muscle so you have sexy curves. Then getting lean enough to see muscle.
@annjing But how to get lean, there's the problem (for me).

I'm waiting until spring really starts to increase my activity level organically, but now it's such a struggle :(
@gopherking Eat fewer calories than you burn. The answer is not just to increase activity. That maybe worked for me when I was doesn't work for me anymore at 44! I could increase my activity ALL day long, and the scale will.not budge. (At one point I was doing 3 hours of exercise a day--and I was gaining weight....and it was NOT muscle lol!). The problem was, I was eating more than I was burning.

And it isn't about just eating healthy / clean food. I naturally eat VERY clean and healthy. Mostly leafy greens with lean protein and a bit of rice. But I can VERY easily eat more than I burn.

The solution is buy a digital food scale. (About 10 bucks on amazon). Download an app like MacroFactor or Carbon that will calculate YOUR individual TDEE based on your unique body and activity levels. Then, track every gram you eat meticulously. It is NOT easy. But if it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
@dawn16 These are all my exact numbers and goals. I would love to see your progress pics. I'm currently 117 trying to cut down to 110 and then would like to gain back up to 120 in muscle. But then I thought I would stop. Why do you feel the need to cut again? And do you have a weight in mind?
@dawn16 I exercise daily and burn at least 300+ calories in my morning workout which includes a HIIT type workout with weights, and some type of cardio for 10min. Average steps is probably 7k— could probably do better with this
@imperatorf4 You should definitely try eating more calories!

Also, how long have you been eating at 1200 calories? And have you taken any maintenance breaks?

I exercise 2-3x a week (lift heavy for 1.5 hrs full body) and get about the same amount of steps as you. I don’t do any additional cardio.
@dawn16 I would say realistically I eat 1200-1500 calories per day. I count pretty meticulously but if I am hungry after dinner before bed and want that extra snack, I take it. Sometimes leading me to 1350-1400 or so. I’ve been doing it since Jan 8 but on the weekends I probably am going up to 2000.
@stephny I honestly no longer have a goal weight. I’m just having fun getting stronger, bulking and cutting. The number on the scale is literally just daily data to me. I’m 5’0” and currently 59kg towards the end of a bulk. I started out lifting consistently at 48.5kg almost two years ago. I have also been 65kg and 38% body fat some time before this. Weight is just a number tbh.
@pete71 EXACTLY THIS. I have a goal weight because it’s something concrete to work towards but I just want more muscle definition and a strong ass back.

And I agree about the scale just being data- weigh myself everyday but never tell people or suggest it because it doesn’t bother me at all but I know it could be unhealthy for others.

Are you in a technical or science field for work by chance😂
@stephny 5' here (well 4'11.5")

The last time I was really happy with my body I was 100lbs. I used to be 140 but I'm down to about 125 after basically quitting drinking. I don't need to be 100lbs again, but I'd like to add more muscle and get into a similar body fat %.