Thoughts on ppl who've been at it a while and aren't progressing


New member
There are a couple of ppl at my box who've been at it a long time, like 5 year veterans. They pretty young, probably 30 something and in general nothing is wrong w/ them physically e.g. they're not disabled or handicapped in any way but the thing is they can't even do a strict pull up or a strict push up b/c they're overweight. They're strong in the sense they can put up big numbers on the deadlift and push press but they don't have the proper mobility to hit depth on a squat although that doesn't stop them from loading up the bar and doing half squats.

My thought is what's wrong w/ these ppl. If you can't hit proper depth on a squat why keep adding weight and doing half reps? If you can't do a strict pull up after all this time shouldn't that be something you prioritize? I know they want to lose weight but how is possible to do this 5 years, come regularly and still be overweight? Like shouldn't a bulb go off in their head that they need to change their diet and coming everyday is pointless till they do?

I don't know - just my thoughts - feel free to share yours.
@aetheranima People who walk around judging others at the gym are one of the main reason many people avoid gyms. Are they there putting in the work? If so leave them alone, or support them instead of criticizing them. They could be at home laying on the couch watching Oprah and eating chips, but instead they are in the gym putting forth effort.

I avoided gyms for this reason most of my life, I'm on the other end of the spectrum though. I've always been tall and thin and not overly muscular. I was afraid of being judged because there are women lifting more than me. I decided to give the local CrossFit gym a try and I fell in love. The owners, coaches, and members are constantly pushing me up. I joined the diet program as well which is helping me reshape my body and it's amazing.
@jyne If you do your best, nobody can criticise you. If you have sloppy form or lift/do stuff without knowing what you are doing, or knowing and you don’t correct it, you get exposed to critics. And it’s your fault.
@dawn16 what? in terms of personal responsibility, judging others is more the responsibility of the one doing the judging than the person who is being judged for something completely harmless.
@dawn16 How is it your fault if you don’t correct poor form/technique when you don’t know you are doing it?

The coaches and other members are constantly correcting me and each other during our sessions. At first I was worried about it, then I realized the coaches are doing their job. They are constantly correcting and reminding everyone in the gym of their technique and how to improve it. Not only new members but members who have been there for 5+ years. I spoke to one of the owner’s about it and she told me that if I didn’t feel like I was coached the entire session on ways to improve/fix my technique, then the coaches failed.
@aetheranima Maybe they go to the workouts as an escape from their day, or to just workout & go home. Not everyone wants to progress all the time. Either way, it's their business & theirs alone
@aetheranima people are going to do what they are going to do and they are going to exercise in the way that they want to. there is no requirement to chase progress. for some, CrossFit is exercise, recreation, stress relief, etc. etc. CrossFit is not compulsory, people are spending their own money and are free to do with their money what they feel.

you judging these people asking "what's wrong with them" is absolutely bitch-made. since you've invited everyone to share their thoughts, my thoughts are that you're a judgmental prick that likes the smell of your own farts.
@aetheranima Look man, do you know them? Do you know their goals? Maybe they just don't want to be sedentary. If they ask for your help, cool, otherwise just do you and don't judge others to elevate your own self worth.
@aetheranima What is wrong with you? Seems like it's you that has the issue.

I am a weightloss coach for women and your judgypants comment is like many millions of comments that overweight people see and hear that stops them from working out