Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

@ablessedwoman I don’t know why people are harping on ThE sCiEnCe here. Assuming he’s telling the truth, it clearly works for the guy. If he feels good and can do this sustainably, why not?

That doesn’t mean you should do this. You’re not going to get his results just by copying his diet setup. It means you should find the macro split that works for you like he did.

Personally I wouldn’t structure a client’s diet this way without a specific reason, but who are we to tell this guy what to do with his body?
@kvolm With you on this.. not sure why people hate so much on this guy. He's a little bigger in the arms and chest but that would be my ideal body type so looking for something sustainable.
@ablessedwoman As I said initially, you’re probably not going to get this guy’s results by copying his diet 1:1. But you should play around with yours to see what works for you.
@ablessedwoman I went to an higher fat diet too.

but only to 40% of my daily calories from fat scince this seems to optimize homone synthesis (there's no benefit seen in 40 vs 70% fat intake of daily calories for homone synthesis)

Carbs i keep at 2-3g/kg depending on cut/bulk (higher in bulk, lower in cut, don't need more dor strength training tbh)

1.8gr/kg is protein

My macro's at 2300kcal 200lb would be

102gr fat 920kcal
162gr protein 648kcal
183gr carbs 732kcal

This really is the lowest and would be at stage ready lean for me.
@rolotron5000 Appreciate the response. 2300kcal at 200lb seems a little low from all the macro calculators I've run. Do you operate year round like this? Do you notice brain benefits with higher fat?
@ablessedwoman I used 2300kcal as an example because your post talked about 2300kcal, i want to make it easy to see the difference in macro between me and him.

As i said 2300 is extremely low for me and only for the last 2-3weeks in a competition prep befor peak week, ideally i don't need to go this low, cut Starts at 2750kcal btw.

Can't really say i got brain benefits.
But performance, hyperthrophy and strngth seem to benefit slightly vs my 20% fat intake the differe between 20% fat intake vs 40% could be as high as 200ng/dl
@ablessedwoman His macro breakdown is good. Textbook would say he could lower his protein/fats a bit and increase carbs in their place, but he’s obviously figured out what works for him. I’m most surprised at the low-calorie intake… he doesn’t say it but I have to think 2300 js a hard-cut diet. For someone with that much muscle and training as hard as he does…. I’d guesstimate his maintenance would be At Least ~3500.
@erin143 Likely, but I also thought Matt Morsia aka Matt does fitness was as well and he passed 6/mos of Olympic level testing to prove he wasn't. Hershal Walker eats a soup a day... some guys are just built differently.