@rojer My issue isn't hunger, it's the physical consequences I get when going low carb: shakes, brainfog, nausea, lightheaded, sweats, etc.
If I ignore it, nausea translates into vomiting and diarrhea, sweats increase, speech is incoherent.
I think I'm going hypoglycemic, but my doctor says it's impossible because I'm not diabetic and that it's normal for fat people to be lightheaded when hungry. She ignores the rest of my symptoms
I'm breastfeeding, so I get that after every time I feed my baby. The more I wait, the worse it is.
I used to maintain my weight on 3 - 3.5k calories postpartum, so I dieted on 2.8 - 3k. After baby started solids, maintenance dropped somewhe around 2.7 and 2.8k, so I'm dieting on ~2.3k calories.
Before baby, I was doing OMAD. It's just more convenient, especially when trying to eat like the midget I am and not like a 6 feet tall man
But even with OMAD, 50 carbs sounds like mission impossible to me. I do have a thyroid issue, I'm medicated, but on the lowest acceptable dose to not die . The doctor wants my thyroid to "restart", which won't happen due to radiation exposure, but she believes in it. I guess she also believes in Santa Claus