Tips for Dieting


New member
Hi, I wanted to ask u guys what kind of food I should eat to build muscle, I’m 20 yrs old(M) and I’ve been on a gradual weight loss for a couple years, currently at 185 pounds, I’ve worked out with weights here and there so my upper body is somewhat built and I wanna continue getting stronger but lack knowledge on the Dieting. Let me know what u guys think! Thank u
@jesusfreak1814 0.7+g/lb protein. 0.3+g/lb fats. enough carbs to train hard. the rest is preference.

would probably focus on eating mostly whole foods that make you perform well first, and then track and back-calculate your macros to see if you want to make changes (eg increase/decrease calories based on what is happening on the scale, and fill in any remaining protein with some powder or extra chicken or whatnot).

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bring your calories up until you are at least not losing weight if the priority is muscle gain. bring your calories down until you continue losing if your priority is getting leaner.