Tips needed for getting my kid into exercise when I can’t exercise myself!

@emmanuel2016 Oof. I mean. It did do me a lot of good, because staying moderately fit and healthy made me less of an asshole, and less depressed, and arguably gave me the resilience to cope with being chronically ill. 🤷‍♀️

But yeah I feel you. I’ve no desire to force her into it, but a parent’s job is to set their kids up with the skills to live a long and healthy life, right? That means a balance of work/rest, and healthy/unhealthy habits. Too much of any one thing is not great.
@alexandre123 Im really sorry to hear about your situation that is really terrible but it is good to hear that you survived and are doing as well as what you are with your changes in lifestyle. It always takes the really good people and leaves all these other $&@holes living life like a bunch of jack$&@es.

Have you tried seeing if she likes bodyweight calisthenics or maybe something like boxing or mma. Maybe a bicycle? I hope you are able to find your solution. I can tell your really worried. I know alot of kids into that stuff like things like martial arts but they don’t actually translate well into real actual self defense and give a false illusion of confidence and ability and I’ve seen that ruin people when they spend 7 years of their life dedicated to something like that to find out they have been a victim or fraud.

Indoor Climbing is pretty expensive but you could be there with her and help her and so on. Theres trampoline places. Maybe soccer?

Cali Moves is a youtube channel that has alot of home bodyweight exercises that you can do with little to no equipment and shows regressions and progressions

Heres a video specifically that I’m talking about -

Oh yeah heres a video of Tony Jeffries speed boxing you could show her :

Hes pretty good and alot of his other videos have some pretty funny humor in it. He has daughters himself so he is pretty kid friendly.
@dawn16 All these pointers are amazing, thank you! Definitely going to get my partner to take her climbing (he has done it before as a hobby) and see if she gets into it. Hadn’t thought of YouTube stuff either - she’s amenable to most things that might involve a screen in some way hehe!
@alexandre123 Awesome! Your welcome. Hope things work out well for you and your family! Theres all kinds of stuff on youtube. If she likes science they have a channel called Journey to the Microcosmos where they look at stuff under microscopes for 10 minute with relaxed music and they sell microscope kits too.

Theres also indoor ecosystems with dr. Plant

Dr. Plant -

Journey to the micro cosmos -

Kurzgestast is animated cartoons from a german company that goes over science and physics people love it especially the birds -
@alexandre123 hope it'll work out for you both. I recommend HEMA, it is very graceful and technique-oriented, and advise against wushu - it has very little to do with actual fencing and fighting, at least in my experience. My sister who did wushu, she was 12 years old, was very bored at the lessons