To my 5’3 girls, what’s your maintenance calories?


New member
I’m a pretty active person so mine is around 2,150 but I know some who are even lower!

I’m 26
125 lbs currently on a cut eating at 1400
@childofgod222 I'm 61 with a desk job. I do lift 3 days a week and ride my bike a couple of times a week for an hour at a time. My maintenance is only 1400-1500 calories. Hoping the lifting will build some muscle so I can increase my calories.
@childofgod222 I’m 5’3. I weight lift 3 x week and Pilates 2 x week. I’m pretty sedentary otherwise (desk job). According to MacroFactor app, my TDEE is around 1600. So my cut is around 1300 calories. I’ve been tracking for 85 days and it adjusts each week so I was eating around 1400 but now back to 1300 or just shy, as I’ve plateaued for the past few weeks around 125. Love this app! It’s been a game changer and takes out all the guess work!
@intermediary This is almost my exact split, height and weight. I’m finding it so hard to keep it at 1300 cals. What are some of your fav meals and snacks to keep you full eating such few cals?
@anonymoussingleguy I actually am the opposite. I usually eat two big meals plus a snack when I’m at maintenance but during the cut I find I have to eat three squares, plus a snack and I need lots of fibrous veggies and fat. I don’t think I could eat 130g of protein in one sitting! LOL
@camfree what's your lift routine like? you're p much my goal, right now i'm a beginner at lifting 2 times a week and doing water exercise class 2 times a week, but i'm cutting at 1400 (160 lb)
@jeannemacl I’m a powerlifter so I mainly focus on squat, bench press, and deadlift. I use the Sheiko Gold app for programming: each session is squat or deadlift + bench + 2-3 accessory exercises in about 1.5-2 hours. I’ve been slowly bulking for the past 3 years from 114 lbs and powerlifting has definitely increased my TDEE a TON

Water exercise class sounds so fun, I’ll have to look into that! If you keep up lifting with a good beginner program and make “newbie gains” your new muscle mass will definitely make it easier to cut. My cutting cals to lose .5 lb/week are about 1800 which is so much easier to hit than the 1200 I tried years ago.
@rosestockwell1991 Omg we’re the same height, weight, activity level and TDEE twins. Also 150, lifting 4-5 times a week, 2-3 peloton bike rides per week and minimum 10k steps daily. Maintenance 2300 also