GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

@didigetitwrong29 Yeah it's been mental. My jeans that I couldn't get on are so loose that I can pull them off without unbuttoning.

I carry most weight on my tummy, legs and arse so those were the first things to go down!
@andy1993 24yo


132lbs (as of this morning)
I’ve maintained within 5lbs of 130 for this entire year.

Around 20% body fat

One year:

Squat: 150lbs—> 230x2

Bench: 85lbs—> 150x1

Deadlift 160lbs—> 240x1

I hurt my back in January so my deadlift isn’t where I want it to be

Started with Madcow 5x5
nSuns really brought my numbers up
Currently on week 2 of KKFit bulking program.
Needed a break from chasing numbers.
Okay, my start weight was 104 lbs and I am 5'6". I was recovering from a horrendous eating disorder at the time, so I had NO muscle to start with. My "starting weights" were mostly bodyweight since it wasn't advisable to start lifting heavy at that weight. But any weights used for arm workouts were a pair of 2 lbs dumbbells (yes I couldn't lift more than that).

I still wasn't on a program 3 months in but weight 115-118 lbs- Squat: the bar, Deadlift 25 lb dumbbells, Bench: 10 lb dumbbells

Still not on a proper program 6 months in but weight 125 lbs- Squat: 115 lbs x 12 (then I realized I was quarter squatting lol) Bench: 20 lb dumbbells, Deadlift: 135 lbs

Currently, 14 months after I started strength training I am 136 lbs- low bar squat 135 x 4, Bench: 60lbs x 7, Deadlift: 155 x 5, and one chin up

Progress can be painfully slow at times but I was so dedicated to getting stronger that it was the major reason I overcame the worst of an eating disorder.
@andy1993 I’ll chime in because there are not a lot of smaller ladies sharing their numbers and my progress was painstakingly slow compared to the other ladies here.

Weight-wise, I went from a skinnyfat 136 to a toned 125. My results may also be a lot more realistic for the average person. Life also got in the way for me pretty frequently and I was not able to make training my #1 priority. I also live with family and eat mainly what they do, so my diet was less than perfect. But I did my best and am happy with my results.

Starting: DL 95, Squat 75, Bench...not even the bar. I started smaller than I needed to learn form.

6 months: DL 155, Squat 135, Bench 65

1 year: DL 195, Squat 155, Bench 70

~1.5 years in: DL 215, Squat 185, Bench... I stopped because I hated benching
@andy1993 Height 4'10'' starting weight was 95 pounds.
When I first started I could squat probably 75 lbsx5, bench was 35 pounds (I couldn't bench the bar), and deadlift probably started with 95lbsx5
6 months I ate a lot and went up to 108 lbs. I could squat up to 125lbs, worked on bench a bit 55lbs, then deadlifts I naturally liked so it went to 135lbs pretty quick I think.

It has been a year now and I stay at 105 lbs usually.
Bench 95lbsx2, Squat 145lbsx1, Deadlift 215lbsx1

I haven't focused on my squat since I tipped over one time and it scared me, but I notice how it lacks compared to my other lifts. Hopefully I will be able to improve this year!
@andy1993 I guess this isn't quite what you're going for, OP, but I'm going to post it anyway in case it's interesting to others who are also at the start of their fitness journey :)

Height: 5'4. Starting weight: 177. Current weight: 170.

Before: 24 years old, overweight and out of shape. Had never set foot in a gym before. Walked a lot but no sport, workouts, intentional exercise. Intimidated by fit people, 'fitness culture', fitspo, etc etc and convinced that I hated exercise. A group of 4 friends (3 guys and me), all graduate students with little spare time, all unfit and 3 of us fat, decided we needed to get our shit together and joined a gym. 2 of us have stuck with it consistently (3x a week, every week.)

Starting point - Day 1 at the gym: Tried a few of the strength machines. Minimum/intrinsic weight was a challenge. I could do about 6 reps on the shoulder press and 10 on the chest press before failing. I could do about 15 reps on the ab machine with 38lbs on the weight stack. I would never have considered going near the free weights area.

Progress: After about 2 weeks of consistently using machines, and doing a TON of reading online, my friend decided to learn compound lifts. I was happy for him but totally convinced that it was not safe or realistic for me to ever do this. Then one day he convinced me to deadlift a kettlebell. I deadlifted the heaviest kettlebell in the gym that day, leaving only one logical option: deadlift the bar. I still do not know how 'Ok, maybe I can do some of the easy lifts sometimes' turned into 'Fuck it, let's do this', but that's what happened. I was too weak to bench or overhead press the bar, so I started out with lighter fixed-weight bars that were in the gym until I got stronger. I couldn't squat properly, so I did a lot of very light goblet squats and a lot of mobility exercises. It took about 6 weeks before I could squat with something on my back. I guess the point I'm making with all this is - yes I'm 3 months in, but because I started with nothing and had to build up enough flexibility to do compound lifts, I haven't really been training all of them for the same length of time.

Now, 3 months in - these are my weights for sets of 5.

Back squat 35kg / 77lb

Bench press 27.5kg / 60lb

Overhead press 22.5kg / 50lb

Deadlift 60kg / 132lb

Pendlay row 32.5kg / 72lb
@andy1993 5'2, started at about 115 lbs, now 123lbs. I have lifted weekly throughout this time.

Starting weight: Squat 45lbs, Deadlift 65lbs. I don't bench press.

3 mo: Squat 65, Deadlift 65.

6 mo: Squat 85, Deadlift 95.

1 year: Squat 85, Deadlift 105.

2 year: Squat 105, Deadlift 125.

I don't give a fuck about improving my numbers honestly, and I pretty much never eat enough lol.
@andy1993 Wow, I feel bad reading this... I'm healthy and abled and thought progress was just slow because women's bodies gain strength slowly, but guess I'm just weak :p

Day 0: 30kg deadlifts, 10 kg everything else, starting really easy

3 months in:

Bench 22.5kg x5 (50lbs)

Squat 40kg x5 (90lbs)

OHP 20kg x3 (45lbs)

Deadlift 70kg x1 (155lbs)

7 months in (today):

Bench 30kg x1 (65lbs)

Squat 50kg x6 (110lbs)

OHP 22,5kg x2 (50lbs)

Deadlift 65kg x5 (145lbs), haven't tested 1RM lately

Body weight: A constant 57kg (125lbs)
@andy1993 I'm 5'2.5" at 130ish pounds (actually gained weight after going to LA gym)

I'm like a year into lifting

Bench: 155lbs 1 rep max

Deadlift: 215 for 3 reps

Squat: 185 for 3 reps
@andy1993 I weigh between 145-150 depending how much bread I eat in a day, and I’m 5’4”. I’ve been lifting consistently for a little over 9 months at this point, at least this time around. I’ve lifted and worked out consistently before so the prior knowledge was there it just hadn’t been accessed in a couple years due to things anyone can dig up in my post history if you’re really determined.

3 mos: In May I was doing super high rep stuff (15-20 reps, minimal rest) and could squat 65-70lbs for those sets, bench the bar (45), and I only deadlifted 25/35lb kettles.

6 mos: In August I was doing EMOM type stuff but for 30s intervals, but usually squeezed out 8-10 reps on squat/DL and 5-8 on bench. Squat: 95ish, bench: 65ish, DL, 135ish.

9 mos: Currently, I just finished 6 weeks of doing 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 reps for the big lifts and have started my first week of 5, 4, 3, 2, and as many singles as I have the energy for. Current squat: 195 (failed out on 200 but I KNOW I could’ve had it on a better day). Bench: 115. DL: 185, but I know that isn’t my true max. Exploring form things with that one.

Edit to add accessory lift stuff:

Most accessory work started with 5lb dumbbells. 15-20lbs for things like DB bench press. 20lb cable work. 1 plate on leg press. Most of that is up now to 20lb DBs for things like curls (3x10), 45lb DB bench press, 75-80lb lat pull down, and 40-50lb for other cable work. 3-4 plates on leg press depending on the reps.
@andy1993 I’m 3 years in. I started squats & bench press with just the bar. Dumbbells for arms were 5lbs. Lat-pulldowns were 25lbs.

At 1 year: 75lb squats, 20lb bench, 10lb curls & triceps, 50lb Lat-Pulldowns.

At 2 years: 125lb squats, 30lb bench, 20lb curls & triceps, 70lb Lat-Pulldowns.

Now, at three years, I’ve cut down 28lbs and my weights are: 125lb squats (28lbs > current BW), 175lb leg press, 165lb calf press, 45lb bench, 35lb curls & triceps, 95lb Lat-Pulldowns. My favorite accomplishment is that I can do multiple pull-ups in a row starting from the ground now. My goal after having visible abs was to be able to do an unassisted pull-up. I can now crank out several in a row
@andy1993 At 5'6" and 130# I started doing strong lifts without testing my 1RM, so I think that was starting with just the bar for everything except deadlifts where you start with 95.

About six months in I quit doing stronglifts. At that point I was benching 85, squatting 155 and deadlifting 175 all for 5x5.

Another six months after that and I've squatted 190, benched 115 and deadlifted 190x3 (still too afraid to really try a 1RM test for dl). I feel like a very mediocre lifter, which is disappointing. But I love lifting so I'm not going to get discouraged and quit. And realistically I know the time I've had to take off for arthritis flares (about two months total) has impacted my gains, along with the arthritis itself, so I shouldn't be too hard on myself. It'd just be so cool to be strong, right?

But I will be eventually. And that's why lifting is amazing, because if you keep putting in the work you get to keep making progress :)
@frbrian Our numbers are so eerily similar! And I, too, typically range from “wow you’re pretty strong” and “wow what decidedly average numbers.” Love your outlook on lifting though! If anything THAT makes you stronger than others with higher numbers. :)