@andy1993 I guess this isn't quite what you're going for, OP, but I'm going to post it anyway in case it's interesting to others who are also at the start of their fitness journey
Height: 5'4. Starting weight: 177. Current weight: 170.
Before: 24 years old, overweight and out of shape. Had never set foot in a gym before. Walked a lot but no sport, workouts, intentional exercise. Intimidated by fit people, 'fitness culture', fitspo, etc etc and convinced that I hated exercise. A group of 4 friends (3 guys and me), all graduate students with little spare time, all unfit and 3 of us fat, decided we needed to get our shit together and joined a gym. 2 of us have stuck with it consistently (3x a week, every week.)
Starting point - Day 1 at the gym: Tried a few of the strength machines. Minimum/intrinsic weight was a challenge. I could do about 6 reps on the shoulder press and 10 on the chest press before failing. I could do about 15 reps on the ab machine with 38lbs on the weight stack. I would never have considered going near the free weights area.
Progress: After about 2 weeks of consistently using machines, and doing a TON of reading online, my friend decided to learn compound lifts. I was happy for him but totally convinced that it was not safe or realistic for me to ever do this. Then one day he convinced me to deadlift a kettlebell. I deadlifted the heaviest kettlebell in the gym that day, leaving only one logical option: deadlift the bar. I still do not know how 'Ok, maybe I can do some of the easy lifts sometimes' turned into 'Fuck it, let's do this', but that's what happened. I was too weak to bench or overhead press the bar, so I started out with lighter fixed-weight bars that were in the gym until I got stronger. I couldn't squat properly, so I did a lot of very light goblet squats and a lot of mobility exercises. It took about 6 weeks before I could squat with something on my back. I guess the point I'm making with all this is - yes I'm 3 months in, but because I started with nothing and had to build up enough flexibility to do compound lifts, I haven't really been training all of them for the same length of time.
Now, 3 months in - these are my weights for sets of 5.
Back squat 35kg / 77lb
Bench press 27.5kg / 60lb
Overhead press 22.5kg / 50lb
Deadlift 60kg / 132lb
Pendlay row 32.5kg / 72lb