GIRLS WHO LIFT: What were your lift numbers after 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years lifting?

Progress is usually not linear. Thank you for sharing :) it’s important and critical that we exercise mindfully in the way that is right for our bodies at any given stage in our lives.
@andy1993 5'1", 145lbs, 41 years old.

Started: squat - bar (45lb), deadlift - 95lbs, bench - bar (45lb) barely

Not sure where I was at 3 months, but I had my first powerlifting meet at 6 months and I hit 85kg squat (187lb), 105kg deadlift (231lb), 45kg bench (99lbs). Bench was not my max, though. I fell apart on form due to nerves and lack of confidence.

That was about three weeks ago. I switched to 3x week bench and changed up my form. Yesterday I did 90lb for ten solid reps, so that seems to be going well.
@andy1993 Started crossfit about a year ago. 5'5 and 160-170 lbs (I don't know, I threw out my scale a year ago).

I don't have starting numbers because I suck at tracking them. They are all 1 rep max's.

Powerclean was 95 last March. I hit 145 earlier this week.
Deadlift is around 240 but haven't checked recently and I don't know what it was initially.
Snatch is 90 lbs (le sigh)
Clean and jerk is 115
Front squat 165
Back squat is higher than front but I can't remember how much.
@andy1993 I lost my data when my phone died, so I can give you my start and (almost) one year.

5’2” sw 140 cw 145, down 3” on waist, one pant size, and 1 band and cup size.


Chest press 0/110
Bench press 0/130
Squat 90/230
Pull-ups couldn’t even hang, now 2 full pull-ups and pull-up assist at 20lbs
Pushups 0/8 chest all the way to the ground and back up, on toes, but 30 meh pushups

I’ve been all over the place in my training. In September I started a recomp, and will continue through the new year. In January I’ll do a cut to hopefully bring me somewhere around 135 and lean.
@andy1993 5'6, 124 lbs. (weight has been steady, I'm queen of maintenance) I've been doing lifting focus workouts for I guess 2 years now but with fuckarounditis. The most I've squatted is possibly 115, deadlift 150, and bench is 70 (all lbs).

I had issues with ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids and had surgery in September (which was amazing because I have no pain now - which means I'm not taking a shit ton of ibuprofen every few weeks) so I decided to get back into lifting with strong curves, glutes only program. I'm on the 4th week of the 1st month so the only barbell exercise I'm doing right now are glute bridges. I'm actually quite happy to start again and build up strength slowly. I don't think I'll be deadlifting for 9 more weeks from now, curious to see where am at.
@andy1993 I have been working out for about 7 months now.

Deadlifts: 250
Back squat: 190 (so close to getting 195 and higher)
Front squat: 165
Bench: 95
Push-press: 100
No idea what my strict press is

I've only been doing Oly for a few months and still learning technique:
Clean/jerk: 110
Snatch: 75
@andy1993 I’m not quite 3 months in to consistently lifting 2 times a week. I don’t do all the typical power lifts and I don’t know one rep maxes but right now I’m doing 2 sets of 12 reps of 50lb chest press and 2x 12 reps at 60lb for straight leg dead lift. Those are my two most consistent lifts.
@andy1993 5'3 117lbs. I don't know 3/6/12 month numbers, but I am about 2 years into lifting as consistently as my schedule allows. I travel for work and tend to do a lot of yoga, dumbbell workouts and running because that is what I have access to at hotels.

I started out with the bar for squat, bench and deadlift. I haven't tested my max weight for a while for my working weight for 3x5 are S:135, B: 90, DL 150. These aren't impressive by any means but I've had months where I didn't even have a gym membership or a gym with no barbels. My bodyweight has remained pretty consistent within 3-5lbs. I have much more visible muscle and definition now.
@andy1993 I’ve done some lifting before, but I’m 3 months into focusing consistently on powerlifting. I weigh 155 and squat 155, DL 195, OHP 75, bench 80 (bench is lagging for me because of recovery from a relatively recent chest surgery)
@andy1993 All estimates, I don’t remember exactly.

3 months: 85 bench, 120~130 squat and 165~170 deadlift

3 years: 135 bench, 245 squat and 265 deadlift. Not sure about the deadlift though it really depends on how much I’ve rested.

Upper body strength is pretty pathetic but I’m sill stronger than most other women I know.

Currently 5’11” and about 170 lbs. My weight fluctuates a lot for me though, I weighed 183 on an empty stomach two weeks ago. And a few weeks before that I was closer to 167.
It’s also worth noting that I don’t really care about the weight I put up. As long as I feel a strong contraction, the bar feels heavy, and my legs/butt get bigger, I don’t care about the numbers at all.

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