Training like mike mentzer

@lovinghusbandforever Look at any volume or frequency meta analysis from the last 10 years.

In general, if you take what Mike says, dial back the intensity a little (10%?) double or triple the volume & frequency. That's about inline with what the science reports these days.
@dawn16 Brilliant video. I love how he carefully picks apart Mentzer rather than just outright shitting on him (which he very well could do)
  1. The point about cns fatigue is drastically misunderstood, in fact if you look at the research it seems to suggest that higher volume and cardio fry the cns more than going to failure.
  2. frequency of training has been disproven to have any beneficial effect - what i mean is training 4 times a week is not necessarily better than training once if all else is accounted for.
  3. it is hard to get gains if you do low volume, which is why the intensity is upped - so you compensate for that lack of volume.
  4. volume is not the driver of hypertrophy - nowhere does the science say this is, this was a common misunderstanding of the science.
  5. if you read Mentzer he explains why volume is a negative downside of working out, instead of something that is a good thing. Put it simply, the more expereicned you are, the more work you need, which people usually spread out by volume - which is not ideal - obviously ideally the least amount of volume would be best.
  6. He does not disprove anything from Mentzer, all the science works for both types of training - the real argument is which way of training is optimal.
  7. Check out GVS on this topic as well and also read Mentzer and you see why this does not dismiss Mentzer.
@lovinghusbandforever All of this and more is explained in the video I linked.

I like Mentzer, he was a revolutionary in a stale time, but his ways have been disproved repeatedly not just by the video I linked and telling people to train like him as a beginner is setting them up for disappointment when their friends are hitting chest every 3 days and he’s home waiting for next week.
@dawn16 No it is not hence my reply. the video you linked in no way debunks Mentzer and if you look at the recommended changes in the video Mentzer literally goes over them!

Literally tell me right now what evidence you have that disproves him?
@lovinghusbandforever Okay, you either didn't watch it or just watched it not wanting to agree with it going in.

You're clearly new to lifting and have taken to Mentzer's style, and if that's working for you then more power to you, go fucking nuts. The best style of lifting at the end of the day is the style that keeps you interested.

Your post history is all about HIT training and posting in r/NoFap I think you're just easily taken by internet trends. (Nofap is also BS and has been debunked for years
BUT AGAIN, if you like it then go nuts)

I've been in the industry for near a decade, Mentzer/Yates style of training comes around every couple of years then goes away again, you just happened to have started lifting during it's latest social media boom, because it gets the most Instagram attention.

Want some more videos from people much smarter than you or I about the subject? Sure.

@dawn16 No i am not new to lifting - i lifted for around 4 years, then took about a year and a half off and now i have been training for coming up to 3 years so i have a decent amount of experience.

My post history where i have 2 posts on HIT lmao. Yeah i am on nofap, no that does not mean i believe in the concept of nofap religiously at all - i also am in the christian subreddit yet i am not a christian. You moron, using 0 logic their bro.

Nope, incorrect considering i do not have social media.

Also btw i have a degree in sports science - but yes, i must be stupid lol.

Okay, first to debunk the 1st vid - which is not HIT, so that dismisses that with very little effort - very poor choice their.

Second, the jonni shreeve video once again does not even understand the basics of HIT - just assumes the training is to go to failure on everything - which is just one aspect of the training, but misses everything else. The claim that HIT taxes the nervious system more is unfounded, in fact the evidence points towards volume being more of a taxer then failure. His claim that volume builds muscle is literally wrong - house of hypertrophy did a good vid on this just search it - it is a common misunderstanding. Volume is a negative side effect of training - obviously if we could do less volume this would be beneficial. The claim that this program is for only enhanced lifters and natties should be careful is wild considering these programs are made for natties lmao - also just feeds into the ignorance of CNS fatigue due to volume which i mentioned. The mention of CNS fatigue but ignorance of its actual causes is odd. He says we must go with the science, yet the science does not disprove HIT, imo they are both good approaches (HIT & Trad bodybuilding style)

Lastly, the dr mike vid which literally at the end of the video he says that if you doing HIT then the intensity makes up the lack of volume so nowhere in that does he go against HIT lmao. The vid is not about HIT it is about failure, so he is saying that if you do normal volume and go to failure it is not worth it, but he literally says if you do HIT it makes sense - but he clearly does not like HIT saying you should be 'normal' and do more traditional volume, doesnt give a reason why. Same thing with the cns on volume here as well.

A common theme i see is these guys talking about how taxing going to failure is but the data literally says more volume and doing cardio is more taxing on the cns then going to failure, GVS talks about this a lot since he is known for going to failure a lot - he also has vids on HIT that do not disprove it but his main criticisms are why not add more volume if you need it... then he corrected himself in the edit because Mentzer already said that lol

Great job at literally proving nothing there lmao
@lovinghusbandforever Aanndd now you’re getting personal, I was just trying to supply you with information and you decided to insult me and spew lies, I guess for fun? And for the sake of being stuck in your ways and unwilling to learn and grow?

You don’t have a degree in sport science, the questions you ask are so painfully basic and your post is littered with spelling errors.

“Yeah I’m in nofap, that doesn’t mean I believe in it at all” except for the constant posts and comments about how you constantly fail after a week and how bad you feel about it? Sound pretty into it to me when it’s literally effecting your mood.

We’re done here, you’re just lying to try and make a point which I already said has merit if it works for you. That’s literally it.

But yeah, call me a moron 😅
@dawn16 Doesn't actually refute any of my points and starts to derail the conversation instead lmao

Of course, i must not have a degree because some guy on reddit said so. Oh no, i made a spelling mistake on reddit, i must be dumb.

bro you go on my page, make up lies and try to manipulate, you said i am obsessed with hit, when i make like 2 posts. i have posted in nofap before, but you manipulate that to try to make it some embaressing thing lmao you are so mad and salty that i disproved you that you turn into a little bitch about it and try to resort to hair pulling like a jealous girlfriend, absolutely pathetic lmao

Bro you have made yourself look like an absolute moron by not engaging when i literally prove you wrong, by stalking my page to try dig up dirt to insult me with which isn't even relavent to our current convo, and then by commenting on my other posts to try get my attention - bro i got you so fucking mad i am laughing my ass off lol, imagine getting so but hurt you have to start being that petty lmao