Updates and new rules for /r/fitness30plus


New member
Hey folks,

The moderator team has been working hard over the years trying to ensure quality content is made available to all readers. We've made some changes to fight spam, removed youtube links as examples and it has greatly helped the community grow. It should be noted that besides spam and removing offensive posts/comments the subreddit moderation has been left to the community with their voting power (i.e. up votes and down votes). Recently (~3 months) the subreddit has had an influx of low effort progress posts that usually have little to no details. To combat this the moderator have decided two things:

1) Develop progress pic posting rules (similar to the /r/fitness ones). We don't want to demonize the hard work people do, however, should the poster not provide sufficient detail the post will be deleted. See rules https://old.reddit.com//r/fitness30plus/wiki/rules

2) We will change PR Friday to Victory Friday for people who simply want to post progress pics and receive comments without providing additional details.

The moderator team will monitor and see what affect these changes will have. Please note, we are a team of volunteers, and I know for myself don't log into reddit on the weekend (yes i'm old and avoid technology over the weekend), meaning we may not catch them all right off the bat or the exact minute they've been posted.

Feel free to ask questions!

Thanks everyone
@jsjonessimson I feel welcome here and think you guys have done a great job so far. But for my own education, just so I can understand, what’s the problem with posting YouTube videos? Can you maybe link me to an example problem thread? Thanks!