[12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

Ow, that's kinda sucky that only 25% of people are still posting and updating :(

RIGHT?! You don't even have to do anything and you can skip weeks. IDK. 40% of the people who signed up didn't make a week 1 update. Blows my mind.

All you people who are kicking ass make it worth the effort to put together the spread sheet though. Super proud of all of you!
@denice65 I got sucked into the world of Strong Curves and have completed 3 weeks. The changes have been amazing in just 3 weeks! I really wanted to gain confidence with weight lifting because I love feeling strong, and SC has helped me do that. I have been adding on weight to my lifts quickly, partially because I was being conservative at first and partially because I am getting stronger. But I find that I get SO HUNGRY on days where I lift intensely. I go over my 1500 cal budget about 50% of the days I lift, usually by getting a spoonful (probably 2 full Tbsp) of peanut butter after dinner. Not sure if I should try to curb this behavior or not. I started the 12 week challenge wanting to do a cut but I am finding myself doing more of a recomp and loving the results...
@dwebb13 I love recomps. I've been doing a sloooooooow cut, like 200 cal. cut. I've lost numerous inches. I've got a waist. I've got a V-taper. I've got a nice perky ass. Sure, I'm still overweight, but slow and steady is where its at, in my books.
@denice65 Halfway through! I feel like I've made very little progress, but the numbers are telling me otherwise. Apparently I've lost almost 7 lbs! Only 6 to go, despite MANY slip ups last week. I thought for sure all was lost, but 6 lbs in 6 weeks is totally doable!

I'm going to try to stop focusing on my lifting goals I think. Weight loss is my priority. My lifts are still going up (yay!) but I don't want to put a deadline on them because I'm trying to teach myself that the process is more important than the goal. Consistency is the key to success!
@denice65 My main goal through this whole thing has been consistency and I'm doing great in some areas and terrible in others. Running is still awesome. I'm meeting all my goals and having a great time. Strength training is not going well. I'm wondering if joining a gym so I can lift heavier than I am with dumbbells would be helpful...because then I'd only have to do it a couple times a week to supplement my running. I am so lazy.
@praises My main goal is consistency as well. And while it's been a challenge, I'm finding a routine that works. It's just that every week in modify it.
It's so much easier for me to stick with strength training by going to the gym even though I have workouts I could do at home. So, seriously consider that idea!

One of my mini goals since I started lifting weights was to be able to squat my body weight. Well, this week I did that. 165 x 9! That was exciting, especially since I haven't done back squats in ten weeks. The most I've ever done before that was 135 x 5.

Ten weeks ago, I got my husband to start seeing my coach with me. He's never lifted before. So I've been doing the beginner program with him, so we can spend time together at the gym. Well, this week he was deemed fit enough to progress to the bigger movements. So we went over back squats, split squats, and Romanian deadlifts.

My God. . . I haven't done these in ten weeks and the DOMS are real. Foam rolling and lacrosse balls aren't doing much. Tiger Balm feels great, but I can't go into public or I'll clear the sinuses of anyone who's in a twenty foot radius of me.

And I got a bike! I haven't ridden in years, but my husband loves cycling, so it's only fair that if he does something I love, I do something he loves. I ordered a dog tow leash attachment so we can get some family cardio in.

And finally, on Saturday I put on a skirt I bought in February. This is the result. I'm stoked. And please ignore the dirty mirror.
@manihoney I took my bike for a test ride this morning. . . I lasted sixteen minutes before my quads said, "Yeah, we're done." I don't remember riding a bike being so hard. lol Ten years ago I commuted to work 40 minutes each way on my bike. Eek.
@denice65 Since the beginning this was probably my least successful week. Which is okay, and I'm not feeling guilty for having that homemade chocolate cake that made me go over my macros, nor missing a couple of days at the gym because I got to spend it with friends and family doing fun things (the psychological stress from tree top trekking definitely was enough exercise for one day, but a lot of fun!) Feeling back on track for today, and preparing to meet my goal!
@creation61 It is so great to have a treat every now and then without guilt. I read somewhere that Americans chose guilt most frequently when shown a picture of chocolate cake in a word association game. French people in the study most commonly chose celebration. I have tried to celebrate the occaisional treat since reading that tidbit.
@denice65 My first 6 weeks have been pretty sloppy, but I have also made improvements in my diet (no more booze, less sugar/carbs). In these next 6 weeks, I really want to focus on going to they gym consistently.
That being said, I have moved up in weight for almost all of my lifts, and my body weight exercises have gone up in reps :)

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