[12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

@denice65 Was doing very well the first 4 weeks but week 5 was my birthday and I was super lucky that this year in addition to what I had planned for myself ...my colleagues and boyfriend and friends separately planned my surprises too! So grateful but also it made just one night of celebrating into 3 separate nights over a span of a week and a half and I am definitely stagnating!!

I've been lucky enough to maintain but gonna go back to it this week!
@denice65 My deadlift is now at 175! :D Up 40 lbs from about three weeks ago. Just 25 lbs away from my goal.

Now that I'm measuring food, I'm surprisingly feeling better.. I was way undereating, which is not usually the case for me. But now that I'm meeting my protein goal, life is a lot easier. I had an awesome week! Very happy with where I'm at and where I'm heading.
@denice65 I'm nearing nine months pregnant, and my ambitious goals are catching up with me. It turns out that incubating a small human makes everything a bit more difficult (including sleeping). The plus side is that my little one is healthy and measuring on track. I keep thinking that each workout will help me with labor and that gets me through.

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