[12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

@denice65 Today I will deload on bench press, again. Always remember: Form is more important than weight :) Got some compliments in the last week and am overall happy with my weight gain and my progress :) Will go to the gym now, today is my favourite: bent over rows! Currently at 105 lbs for 5 reps :D
@bb1212 What is the secret to loving bent over rows? One of my goals is a rippling, beautiful back but I hate this lift. I have deloaded them so many times and feel like my form is terrible :( 105 lbs is super impressive!
@maxicastag No need to stick with bent over rows, you can substitute some other kind (DB, seated cable, whatever). I do Pendlay rows mostly because I use the same weight for another exercise and can go between the two without reloading the barbell (I'm lazy like that).
@maxicastag Seconding the row hate! I always feel like I'm doing it wrong, no matter how many videos I watch, but I think it's just because it feels so difficult! I've been working at rows since mid-February when I was doing SL, have moved to a PHUL and today I could still only do 75x6 and had to deload for my other sets. Seriously?!
@denice65 Visited the doctor this week and I have lost 20 pounds since my physical in January! So happy about that however this week was really hard even though I didn't miss a workout, but the weekend killed me because I was visiting family and didn't make the best food choices that I could. I can feel myself slipping into old binge-like habits and I do not want to ruin my progress. I have another trip this coming weekend and I just need to remember my fitness goals. I am going to join a local community gym just to ramp up my weight loss for the second half of the challenge.
@dawn16 I sometime take things like trips and visiting as a few days of a diet break and try to eat at maintenance if possible. This way you are giving yourself a bit of a break but also still trying not to go too crazy.
@denice65 This challenge just isn't going according to plan. I'm trying not to sweat it. I was sick for a week and a half, and now I have another ailment that's sidelining me for at least a week. My overall goal was recomp, and since my measurements are down slightly, I suppose I haven't completely blown it, but I've been eating out a lot and mostly feel like crap.

That said, I know well enough to keep moving forward, even if the pace feels glacial. Even if the next six weeks are as rocky as the last three, I'll be posting until the end.
@jesusislord9 I totally feel you! I sprained both my ankles on May 1st while moving into my new apartment so I've taken the last two weeks off to recover. The first 4 weeks of the challenge went really well and it's been really frustrating to have my progress stopped in its tracks. I'm hoping to get back to the gym this week, the most important thing is for us to keep going!
@denice65 I'm very close to 24 minutes on my 5k, so next goal - for the following 6 weeks - is get an under 24 minutes 5k PR. Also, happy to report that the key to get faster is - as anyone with experience will tell you - run more and slow down. It's an amazing feeling to come to the terms with the fact that each run doesn't have to be faster than the previous but the general trend to be increasing. I also seemed to inspired some co-workers (their words, not mine, still bragging about it :D) to rejoin the gym, so now, once or twice a week (when I am not training on my own) there's actually a group of us going to the gym and it's extremely motivating. Finally, I have people in real life to talk to about gym and nutrition stuff, this is great.
@bubblegum2021 24 mins. Awesome! That is so cool. I just did a 5k and got my PR of 27 mins (and 3 secs) and it always amazes me how much I can push during a race and that the training works!! If you compared my average run pace to the 8:41 pace of the race they are not even close. Although when I do some sprint/HIIT on the treadmill my sprints are faster then that. My new goal is under 27 mins.
@workinprogress4life Slow and steady does it! Good luck on your goal. And, for what it's worth, at the beginning of this year I only wanted to make sub 25 by the end of the year. And look at me know, working hard is really paying off.
@denice65 My consistency has gotten so much better in the last few weeks. I'm running every other day now and after finally giving in and going to the gym it's been so much easier to maintain that streak. Last week was great workout wise but I'm not seeing the scale drop like I want it to. My pants are too big though so that's a good sign that things are ultimately going in the right direction! My parents are coming in a few weeks which is going to be a huge hurdle in my workout plans, I know we'll probably get plenty of walking in but taking time away from them to go to the gym and run is going to be hard. I'll have to play it by ear.
@denice65 Posted about this, haven't been consistent with workouts (or pushing it much) bc of illness and other interruptions; got back to it, and saw strength improvements beyond what I expected.

I wanted to not have fuckarounditis but now I am, because I am trying to make sense of this progress and it raised questions for me about what I want to prioritize in my workouts.

And am thinking about different ways I can balance fitness in my life - I feel I want to give more room to other things that compete with that time, a bit.

And about what it means to be consistent, if you are not relying on the "must do something every day" routine. It's easy to keep your head in the game when you have that kind of routine. Taking more days off is kind of unsettling but also nice.

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