Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@cookiemon Ask the gym for their privacy policy so you can take it to a lawyer. Bet they do something then. If they don’t act immediately, a lawyer will probably go pro-bono as they love making a point for the good if their fees are covered in a civil case, which would be fairly likely for the gym to pay up for failing to take action. Also contact the police and report that you were harassed and feel unsafe because of that fellow member
@snoopylover I would take this advice and actually just get a lawyer from the get go and have them do all the communicating from now on. There should be programs for free legal services. Also if you can start seeing a therapist to document the effect this has had. Also are you still paying membership fees? And unable to use the facilities due to fear of safety? That’s another thing too.
@danielgene I started using another location in my area since I feel uncomfortable going back to face 1. The man 2. The management for not taking any action and letting it slide.

Second location is about 15 minutes further from where I am. But fuck. I hate this.
@cookiemon I stopped using the gym provided by my employer because I got sick of the frequency of filming in locker rooms. The policy was “no cell phone usage in the locker rooms” but the amount of blatant photography and videography going on was absurd.
@cookiemon Go to the police and file a report (I doubt they’ll do anything) but then bring this complaint with timelines and names and police report to corporate (publically via TikTok/twitter if you really wanna shake the table) and see what they say. If they downplay it (or even before) suggest that you’ll seek legal counsel
@mikeliznsam As creepy and morally wrong as it was, if OP is in the US, it's not illegal. The cops can talk to him but he didn't break any laws.

The hot tub is a public area where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. If it was the locker room, it would be different.
@xcarlx Ah well you’re right. That said, that’s literally never stopped anyone (in the US) from suing someone 😅. Also I doubt it would take that much it’s more showing the gym you won’t take this lying down- tbh the gym may be liable in this situation.
@cookiemon Remember that standing up for yourself to not just this guy but this corporation helps to make the world a better place for all women, and beings in general. Thank you for doing what’s difficult and uncomfortable. It’s the right thing.
@cookiemon I hear you! There are lawyers that will take on cases and they will just take a portion of the damages so you don’t have to pay them. Just know that there are options available to you ❤️❤️
@cookiemon Tell them if they won’t revoke his membership then you are canceling yours, and can’t wait to blast them on social for this so that any other women who are thinking of joining will have second thoughts.