Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

Once my kid could hold his head up, he also loved planking while I 'bench pressed' him. Constant giggles, just watch out for drool.
@marimur Floor Yoga.

I know it's easy to be mystified by all of Yoga's positive vibes, but it really is all about harmonizing to yourself. I only say this because I understand most exercising comes with a feeling of progress, where yoga just really doesn't.

I'm also Mr. Broken. I don't 'practice yoga'. But I do focus on what yoga advertises. True strength. The communications between your brain and body has a direct correlation to the strength produced by the body.

I haven't been able to really push the ups, or do the squats for years now without hurting myself. The main 'exercise' I do is walk. Everything else is some form of stretching or form posturing. Yet I feel stronger than I was back when I got all beat up in the first place.
@marimur Arms, abs and thighs are sore… can you do hip raises? It’ll work out your hamstrings and glutes. Other wise rest day including stretching and or go for a brisk walk to get a little sweat and blood flowing.
@marimur Use a rest day between workouts. That Dosnt mean you do nothing. Just take a rest day and maybe do some stretches mix in with a slight brisk walk around the block. You have the right idea alternating between muscle groups. But at the beginning, it will seem hard, it dosnt sound like too little. You have a good amount with a new baby (congratulations! Hop wife is doing well too) so just stick to your plan rn mixed in with rest days/low intensity stretches and maybe some light cardio. No shame in not cutting abit back whenever you feel extra fatigue as long as you make up for it with a full day sometime later. Good luck!!!
  1. Start with incline push-ups (against a table or bed or something) - that way you can do decent form until your strength is up. And you could always do cardio for today, like a jog, swim, ride or something
@marimur Try resting your muscles, if you try to workout too often near your max you won't see any progress, just increase your chances of hurting something, just do some stretching and have a walk or jog