Urgently need an exercise that is not push up or abs, leg required

@marimur Time for a pull day:
1. Supermans
2. Back widows (assuming you don’t have row bars or pull-up rings)
3. Stiff leg deadlifts with no weight but go deep (make it single leg if double leg is to easy)

Take other’s advice on this thread and just do a few sets and not to complete failure.
@marimur I would do nothing for a couple days until you recover. Then when you start up again, don't perform the same movement for five minutes straight. Clearly it overuses particular muscles and leads to pain. Just do a variety of simple things, each for a short period like one or two sets of ten repetitions. Squats (not very deep), weighted hip thrusts, lying leg raises, clamshell with mini-band, stepping up and down, sideways walk with mini-band, weighted kickbacks, weighted arm lifts, plank/pushups against a raised item like a counter height or bed height. If you have resistance bands with a door anchor, you can do various push or pull exercises for your upper body.