V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

@unsu Sick.

I've always found my biggest limiter in the v-sit to be tight hamstrings and lower back. Abs, triceps, and shoulders can definitely handle it, but I'm held back by inability to achieve the abdominal compression you make look so easy here.

Did you naturally have the hamstring and low back flexibility to do this? If not, what methods did you use to get it?
@akosua When I had 9 years I treined kung fu for 1 year and 2 month, and stop, when I had12 years I start in body bodybuilder for 2 year and 1 month, and when I had 14 years I stard in kung fu again, and stop with 16 years, and now I train gymnastic...

In the end of 2011, I do V-sit in the primary attempt, I not know if is natural or is of past pratice of kung fu and bodybuilder...
@unsu Well, it's certainly common to do stretching in kung fu training. Probably helped.

I guess that means you didn't do much specific work on improving your hamstring/lowback flexibility in preparation for and/or during your v-sit training.

I better get on the ball then, working at a disadvantage.