Vegetarian - meeting protein targets

I am not understanding you correctly here. So do you want to bulk or cut?

I probably don't understand it myself. I thought I had to keep my protein levels similar the whole time, but reducing the other bits, but I guess not.

It would make it a lot easier if I need only hit that target, yeah. Maybe I'd be better discussing this more with a nutritionist to figure out a specific plan and understand it better. Internet resources seem to be a bit vague and don't always line up with other bits I read. Thanks
@ba66e77 You from the UK? Get Sci mx v gain protein powder (35g per shake. It's delish! Vanilla is my favourite. Get it off amazon) get yourself a bag of vital wheat protein and try making your own seitan. It doesn't taste like chicken has amazing recipes. The flour is a little pricey but honestly so so worth the amount you'll get out a bag. It expands a lot! Tofurky is now stocked in sainsburys and the slices are a life saver if you are short in prep time and so high in protein. Linda mccartney sausages are always on offer so stock up! Oumph pieces are also super tasty but a lil pricey. Lidl are now stocking black bean and edamame spaghetti that have a good wack of protein as well. I love lentils and all that but you have to eat a shit ton to even get close to what seitan could give you.
@ba66e77 The Nonfat Greek Yogurt I eat has 22g of protein with 0 fat and 9g carbs per 1 cup (chobani). If you're a lacto ovo vegetarian then 1% milk and eggs whites are also a solid source of protein (egg whites are almost all pure protein so you can have a lot of these with minimal fat/carbs and they keep you full). Try to maintain better ratios in meals. For instance, if you're gonna have bread in the morning, pair it with some peanut butter or PB2 is you really want to avoid the fat along with a glass of 1% milk. Idk how much you weigh, but you should aim for minimum 0.8 g/lbs-1lbs based on personal needs.
@s010 Low fat greek yoghurt is really tasty and super high in protein (one of the things I miss going vegan) Fage Total 0.0 is the most common brand.
@s010 I suppose this is one of the boards where this particular type of good advice may be considered evil, and it does make sense to downvote evil. Well, cheers, fellow villain!