Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!!

@christi79 Even in the evidence based fitness community there are few people (men, there's a striking lack of women as well as POC of any gender) who don't talk about things as if male was the default. Menno Henselmans is one of them. Abrasive as he is, Lyle McDonalds is another one. You can truly see that these folks care about researching female physiology in fitness from a place of undying curiosity rhather than to tick a box or as a fairweather interest when there is nothing else to talk about or as a footnote or only when they are specifically asked. Honorable mention also to the guys from Stronger by Science and Iron Culture podcasts for including women too by default. We truly need more people who do it this way rhather than perpetuating by omission the view that there is fitness research and then there's female fitness research.
@ronit Paul Kelso seems to have been also like that. And that was decades ago. He was a school coach and in one of his books he describes how he had to convince a priest that it is ok if the girls want to lift weights, haha
@yeshuashomri For both of my grandmothers who would be 100 if alive today, PE was for the boys only. The girls did home ec while the boys were in PE. They grew up in New York but it was like that all across the US at the time. That’s not that long ago from a historical perspective so that’s part of the problem - it’s just now starting to come into consciousness that women should definitely be lifting!
@christi79 Thank you for sharing, I’ve discovered this article recently as well and it’s fascinating! Honestly this knowledge gives so much comfort and confidence working out, so I can see how underestimation itself can lead to lower results. There is another one on Menno Henselmans website which is about why women shouldn’t train like men and it’s not what you might think.
@testament7 After years of training i came to the conclusion: train what you feel is right. Even deciding on a day to day basis. BUT that depends on every persons individual goals i might add.
@christi79 agree. my hope is that more research like that will come up in the upcoming years and it’ll become a more widespread knowledge. great times to live in though in that sense!