Walkers in the house!!!!

@rayne49 That’s understandable. Maybe you could try just walking around your own neighborhood or an urban park so that you’re not totally isolated in the wilderness.
@rayne49 I live in NYC and I used to walk all over the city for my regular exercise. Now, since you have to avoid people, I really only have one random industrial lot where I can avoid people. So I literally just loop around the same area until I get brave enough to venture further!

Start where you feel comfortable and you’ll figure it out as you go!
@rayne49 I know what you mean. The key to not knowing where to go though is to just keep moving! Sometimes I reach a dead end and have to turn around. Actually this happens all the time, but I think it's cool to see new little micro-neighborhoods. Or you could start small, like "I am just going to walk around the block today." Then you might notice roads to check out next time.
@visibility Hell yeah I should try to incorporate this into my morning. My room gets like no sunlight so I'm slow to get started each day. My legs are the most undeveloped part of me so hopefully I can build my legs too.. especially my flat booty.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Do some hills if you can. Walking hills is great for the butt and legs. I haven't noticed my booty actually growing, but it's definitely firming up. (I do also do strength training).

I walk 2-3 miles every day, first thing when I get up. And my Fitbit typically logs 11-15 flights of stepa from the hills. For me the best thing about a morning walk is mental. It wakes me up, gives me some energy and feels like a positive start to the day.

I usually sleep in my leggings so I can literally roll out of bed, put in my contacts, tie mu sneakers and go. I think I've only missed about 2 days in the past 6 months.
@godzcreachn I went on a vacation to the Faroe Islands, where it is seriously hilly. Like no flat whatsoever. And I remember there was this moment where I turned to my fiance and was like "have you noticed everyone here has a fantastic butt?" and he responded "yes but there was no way I was going to bring it up!" It has got to be all that hill walking!
@godzcreachn I think mindful activation of the glutes has definitely helped me fill out my jeans a little more- especially if you stick with it as a habit everyday. It does take time but it's good for your glutes and it helps build strong knees.

And if you need a better explanation, think of propelling yourself forward by flexing your butt, you should feel it activate in your glutes but also add a little bit of tension for your outer thighs.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly So I have been walking about 8-10 miles a Day since SAH order, with 2 of those being jogged. I have been building my running mileage base back up by running a minimum of 2 miles everyday. Today I was randomly able to run a 10k, and only the last half a mile did my legs really kill and feel like cement. My lungs were never burning either and my heart rate stayed in the 160 range for the most part. I definitely attribute the general ease of today’s run partially to walking more!
@lordlover479 Speaking as someone who's injured themselves that way, be careful increasing your mileage too much at once. 2 -> 6 isn't bad over a bit of time, but you wouldn't want,for example, to run. 2 miles every day then suddenly jump to doing 6 a day or something like that. Better to build up by a mile or so a week.
@lordlover479 Holy moly, so you’re walking/jogging like 3ish hours a day? Did you have to slowly work up to that or were you just like, day one: I’m doing this! Do you ever get bored/how do you deal with it?
@ok782506 Not the person you're replying to, but it's pretty normal for me to walk for 2=3 hours in the evening. Listening to podcasts while I walk is a great way to get lost in thought and the time goes by before I even know it. I'm pretty lucky to live in a city with a large park nearby, so I walk to the top of the "mountain" and explore all the trails. Even when I'm too lazy to walk all the way to to the top, just exploring my neighborhood and the nearby ones, walking along the side streets and looking at all the houses is a good way to pass the time.
@ok782506 I’m more on the side of 2ish hours, since I walk a 16 minute mile. Honestly anything I can make into a walk I do. Google Meet where I just need to listen? I call in and walk for 30 minutes. Want a coffee? I walk the .6 mile there and back and it gets me another mile. After dinner walk gets me another 1-2 miles, and then I usually go on one “dedicated” walk a day that actually feels like taking a walk rather than just walking while multi-tasking. Sometimes I do get lonely, but I have two wonderful roommates that usually join me on one of these walks everyday. And then my two miles of running is quick enough where I don’t get bored/ lonely, but again, it gets my another two miles. I also included the approximate 2 miles I get from doing stuff around my house everyday.
@ok782506 Not commenter.. but sometimes I just pick a direction and go. Or I'll pick some arbitrary landmark to reach. The 8 miles I did the other day was to reach a landmark (that I didn't make because I had to turn around for a call). It took 2.5ish hrs. I was a little sore the next day, and exhausted in a good way. I hope to do it again (cause I didn't reach the landmark dammit)