Walkers in the house!!!!

@kingjamesversionbibleonly I can’t run anymore due to back issues so I have started walking a LOT more since the SAH order. I walk 3-4 miles almost every day. It’s a great mood booster and I tend to make better food choices on the days I walk.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I have started walking during the SAH orders. I'm pretty fit but the first really long walk had my legs sore! I have kept up walking, at least every other day, and I look forward to my afternoon and nightly walks! It helps me clear my head and also stretch my legs out. I had a hard leg workout on Monday and my walk today reduced my soreness!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Yes!!
I start out with some banded stuff: side to side walking stuff with a medium or heavy band, and slow, deep squats with a light band.
I do some front and back lunges unweighted because I hate lunges but they're a great warmup. Usually just 2x12.
Then I do hamstring-focused stuff. Usually 3x10 RDLs, then 3x10 single leg RDLs, 3x10 good mornings with a 10lb kettlebell I have.
Lastly, squats. Usually 4x12 goblet squats, at 35lbs as that's what I have. I try to go slowly here. This time I added in some dumbell sumo squats where I hold the dumbell in between my legs and it was KILLER for my inner thighs.
Sometimes I add a lil cardio through jump squats or I'll cool down with a 10 min yoga focused on my legs. Didn't properly stretch after this one and I'm still sore two days later, but it was a great workout!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I’m between jobs so I’ve taken on the long afternoon dog walks. We’ve worked up to 4 miles once a week with 2-3 miles twice a week. I live at sea level so not much elevation but my legs get tired. No body changes or anything besides starting my beautiful sunglasses/tshirt/cropped leggings/Apple Watch tan lines. I haven’t spent this much time outside on a daily basis in a LONG time. So the sunshine has been good mentally!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I finally decided to meet my 10k step goal daily, which I have now done every day for a month. I break it up into 2 or 3 15-20 minute walks, one always in the morning. It does help set the tone for the rest of the day, and gives me an excuse to get up from my desk during the day or after work.
I agree that it’s helped my mood overall (yay springtime!), and helps keep me in line with food choices as well. I’ve lost a couple pounds in the past month, but I’ve also been good about limiting sweets. My strength routine hasn’t changed.
Go for it and report back!!
@kittycatman Alright, you talked me into it. 2 or 3, 15-20 minute walks? Why haven’t I thought of that! I get so discouraged having to walk for 60 minutes at the end of the day and just say no thanks. Tomorrow is a new day!
@andrewl I do that when I work in the office. I just get up and walk around the outside of the building or maybe go a block if I have time. It helps me keep my brain alert in the afternoons 😅
@kingjamesversionbibleonly A few years ago I lost about 50lbs with walking and calorie counting. And then one day I tried to get some steps in real quick so I started jogging on a treadmill... and ended up jogging for 7 miles. I think walking is really good! Big fan.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I added walking a few weeks ago just to get out of my house but I actually really enjoy it now! I walk about 6 miles every other day and its made a big difference mentally. I try to go in the morning to make it a routine that gets my day started and I walk the same loop on the river trails. It has helped me stick to my food goals and I have seen some small improvements in the build of my legs. Plus its nice just to be in the sun for a bit.
@visibility I’ve been trying to get myself to do this and literally every single time I chicken out for some reason, like I am nervous to walk by myself and not know where to go
@rayne49 I used to be the same way! I never would walk on my own, also because I had a nervous feeling, like someone would be like "wtf is this girl doing" or something? Who knows what I was thinking lol but one day I just went out and walked for a while and now I really like it. And, nowadays everyone is walking so they can get some change of scenery so no one will be thinking twice about it.
@rayne49 I live right by a golf course and since it's closed for golfing right now they opened it up as a walking path. I've started walking this every day and it's perfect! There's other people but I've barely run into any close to me. Its a peaceful scenic walk and you can do as much as you want. The walk from my house around the back 9 and home was just under 4 miles and included 36 floors worth of elevation. If you have a golf course near you maybe check that out.
@rayne49 There are apps you can use to plan your route ahead of time. But you should always beware of traffic and being alone when it’s dark out. Stay safe!