Walkers in the house!!!!

@kingjamesversionbibleonly I've been walking 5-8 kilometers 3-4 times a week since quarantine started. It burns about 350-500 calories. I've lost 5 lbs, but I think some of it has been muscle :( no noticable difference in my composition. I live in a very flat area so it's not giving my heart and lungs a good workout. My feet and ankles are still sore by the end (cheap shoes). Better than nothing.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I had to switch to walking late last year of a hip injury and I kind of stuck with it. I'm pretty athletic but I find that walking on my "rest" days when I'm not lifting is equally as good as running. Yes it takes longer to cover the same distance but I'm noticing more abt my neighbor now so that's nice. Plus man am I blowing thru that long list of podcasts I wanted to listen to!
(Can't listen to those when I run outside because it's harder to hear/pay attention)
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Hey that’s me! I’ve been walking between 2.5-5 miles a day for the last few weeks. My area is known for its hills and suddenly I’m doing fasted cardio (I’m not exactly a pixie over here lol). This isn’t my first rodeo with using walking as my sole exercise, I did it about 10 years ago through sheer panic of finishing grad school plus life, and lost 15 pounds (during that time, I was also 60 pounds lighter then).

In terms of how I felt- I felt more “springy” like my legs just wanted to GO. I’m starting to get that feeling again, as well as getting my breathing under control (asthma plus a mask, because people don’t always wear one so I do, with a combo of a mask order). My core also feels better and I’m starting to feel my back ache go away (I haven’t been 196 in an age, which is where my back would start aching). I hate running, so walking while listening to music for that mood is how I deal. Whew.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly For competition prep, all I do in incline walk, no running. It aids in recovery, is easier to recover from, allows me to focus energy more on weight training and utilizes body fat for fuel, more so than glycogen stores (if the exercise were more intense, like running).

I enjoy it and its easy for me to just put on a podcast or youtube video (depending on if I'm inside or outdoors) and just space out for a bit.

Off season, I'd say I average about 15-17K steps a day. In prep, it's about 24Kish.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I have been walking an hour a day instead of more intense exercise before. I’m watching what I eat, always have, but weight loss is actually going a lot smoother. My cardio is going to be terrible and I’m losing strength probably, but I feel mentally healthy as ever.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Most of my SAH workouts have been walking! Generally around 2.5-3 miles. Since I’m not burning as many calories per workout as I used to, I did have to slightly adjust my calorie goal. Down about 13 lbs since my gym closed in March. I love using my walk time to catch up on podcasts!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I've been walking about 1-2 hours a day because if I don't, I'll pace around my house like a caged tiger because my body misses the gym.

Things I've noticed:

I definitely sleep better.

I've lost weight (but that's more attributable to my dieting).

I'm a lot less snappy. This I attribute to seeing dogs and sunshine. And also having some alone time from my family.

I'm apparently pale enough to get sunburned while it's April and chilly.

I've stopped pacing and feeling restless.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I alternate jogging days with walking days. On my jogging days I'll usually do about 3.5 miles, maybe a little more if I'm feeling up to it. On my walking days I have two different loops I do - one is 5 miles, one is 6. Audible has been my best friend through this... I've listened to sooo many books!

I'm not a great distance runner- 5 miles is usually my max before I start to feel some kind of ankle or foot pain, so I like to alternate the running/walking because I think it helps me avoid overuse. However, I have noticed my speed getting better though- I started running about a 10 minute mile or so, and after this month and a half I'm now running those 3.5 miles at a 9 minute mile or under!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I am trying to get into a habit. I used to walk 5+ every day but I can't walk around my office building anymore at work when I have a couple spare minutes. Most of it is closed off now.

I also live in a small apartment and since the gyms are closed and it's been rainy nearly every day here it's been difficult but I realized I could just walk in the parking garage the other day so, I'm figuring it out.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Most of the changes I notice when adding daily walking were increased hunger and ability to maintain my weight. I didn't lose any weight but I also haven't been trying to. For context, the walking I've been doing is at least 5-10km on flat ground per day, and up to 17km (though this happens less often), with a weighted backpack. It was really tiring at first but I can do it no problem now.

A few years back I was being paid to hike (as a geologist and again with a very heavy backpack) and was walking anywhere between 5k-20k per day for about 5 months and had the same experience: I ate more, my cardio was a little better, and I was maintaining my weight but my clothes were getting baggier so presumably my muscle:fat ratios were changing for the better. The ground was flat to very steep. I didn't make any effort to track or restrict calories.

But all the way back in 2005, I was yet again doing a lot of hiking (as a geologist) in a very hilly to mountainous area. I was also restricting my calories somewhat and lost a lot of weight over the course of 6 weeks. The hills/mountains - usually summitting at least one per day - meant my cardio was strong.

So this is my roundabout way of saying walking is great as a low impact exercise, great for my moods, and good for maintaining weight if you're not restricting calories. If you're restricting, it's an easy way to lose some weight. If you can add hills for some extra cardio, even better. I love walking and hiking!

To answer your other question, how far you'd have to walk to notice any difference depends on what you're doing now, both with exercise and eating. You'd be best placed to figure it out by going for a walk. Maybe try 2km and see how you feel and build from there.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I used to be very active at work all day so when we switched to working at home I had to be diligent about making myself move. I try to hit 20k steps a day. Personally, I don’t see it, but my spouse says my butt has gotten tighter. One thing I have definitively noticed is that squats are easier as are single leg exercises. So I do believe that the walks are helping.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly 𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

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@kingjamesversionbibleonly If I walk about 10K steps in 100 minutes (my usual pace) I burn around 400-500 calories according to my activity tracker. Do that everyday and it's about a pound a week.

The big benefit to walking is that it doesn't make you so hungry that you'll want to eat the calories you burned.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I usually burn about 1800 calories on a normal day (basic walking the dog, taking the bus to work, working in an office). I've been walking my dog a lot during quarantine, listening to audiobooks, and I've been burning about 2400 to 2600 calories. On days that I run, I burn about the same because I wind up taking shorter walks with the dog. So, since I'm cutting, that makes a big difference for me - I can eat a whole extra (healthy) meal!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Thanks for reminding me that I should take walks! I love being home and sometimes forget there's an outdoors.. 1 of my dogs will love this! The other will love being carried in her bag.. bonus points for an extra 6 pounds?
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I want to chime in that I went for my first walk in a long time today, after fighting myself on it for a couple of weeks.

I decided to take my lunch hour to walk to the Whole Foods, which is one mile away, pick up a package and come back.

I was in the direct sun the whole time, it was 98 degrees, and I am very out of shape. I genuinely got nauseous once or twice. I came home a heat stricken tomato ): I'm 23, 5'5" and 138 lbs so not super overweight. It was sad to realize how bad my cardiovascular health has gotten.

Morning walks only from now on. Thanks, Southern Arizona.
@paperthinhymn Yep, for about the first month of the SAH order I didn’t do anything physical. I finally went for a walk and holy hell was I out of shape! In just one month my body was turning to poop.