Walkers in the house!!!!

@lionandlamb777 I got some Fit Kicks for like 20$. The regular kind look kinda stupid but the Crossovers can be converted to balllet flats if you cut the straps off. I just ordered Earth Runners sandals for like 90$ which is the same as Birkenstock’s. I will have to save up for some boots but now I’ve gotten used to the feeling and I can’t go back. But yeah lots of them are way too pricey. The regular Fit Kicks look ok if you do an athletic look with leggings.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I’ve definitely started walking more since the SAH order. I agree with prior posts- first thing in the morning sets you up for a great day. I love checking my watch at 10am and thinking.. wow I’ve already taken x amount of steps!

I’ve lost weight since the SAH order and I attribute it to increased step count and consistent CICO tracking because I’m not eating out.

Good luck! You got this!!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly i walk about 5-8miles a day to try to offset all the snacks. other than that i'll also run 3-6 miles (depending on how hot it is and my mood) which will give me my typical calorie burn from other workout classes i'm not doing right now (200-300)
@kingjamesversionbibleonly The most significant change, with walking, has been an improvement in my mental state and clarity. Until last week, I had worked out everyday in quarantine, which involved getting outside and walking. I took a break because I was so burned out but I'm forcing myself to get back out there. I have been feeling too depressed and unmotivated without time outdoors. I live alone and need exposure to something other than myself lol.

I have lost weight but I've also been tracking my cal intake more consistently than before, so that may be more attributed to CICO. I wish I could say that I've noticed a difference in composition but I haven't. I've definitely lost muscle in the months I've been away from my fitness studios.

PS - I, too, despise jogging lol.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Sweetie and I started hiking (walking really for the first 6 weeks) right around March 15. In the beginning I could only go 2.5 miles before my knees hurt so bad I couldn’t go on. I listened to my body and went slow, and now I can do 9 without any pain at all! Took about 5 weeks to start to notice real big differences.

Now We can do 9 miles in about 3 hours. I have been steadily losing a little weight, but more noticeably I feel STRONG. I have way more endurance, more confidence and I feel so good mentally from being in nature so much. We also started to do harder trails and hike nd that’s been hard and fun.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly Very great! Oh, also a HUGE payoff has been that our butts are so strong! I can’t stop touching his butt!! Lol

And to answer your other question, we’re averaging 5-6 days a week, maybe 30 miles a week for me. Some days 4 or 5 if I’m feeling tired or lazy, 8 or 9 if I want a long workout.
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I’ve been walking more during quarantine. My work was really stressing me out, and working from home in a small one bedroom apartment where I live alone wasn’t helping. It was like I could never escape the stress. I’ve noticed that walking for at least an hour outside every day has really helped my mood and I sleep better - fall asleep faster and stay asleep. I’m noticing some calf definition too.
@catlady04240 Can you walk loops around the park? I have a lot of walking options but choose to just do a couple of blocks loops around a museum near my house only because of the proximity so that once my hour of walking is up, I can get home quickly. It helps when I put on a podcast to listen to and just zone out and walk!
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I walked anywhere from 2-5 miles almost everyday while I was on maternity for 4 months. My baby had colic so walking was essential for both of us! I definitely lost the baby weight pretty quickly and I noticed my thighs thinned out a bit (not just baby weight thinning). I’ve always noticed when I start a workout regimen if I incorporate walking as my cardio, my legs get quite lean (as opposed to running).
@kingjamesversionbibleonly I've been walking 7-10 miles a day pretty much every day. Started because I needed to have a goal after the gyms closed and it became clear my marathon would be cancelled (it was.)

I've been needing to lose some winter fluff and a few years of mission creep. Walking so far kills my appetite, doesn't seem to have taken any muscle with it--at least as far as my pushups and whatnot would indicate. I feel amazing. I come back, and I'm a little tired, but not sore, and after drinking some water, go right into doing house projects.

Sadly, so much walking is hard on my music and podcast inventory. Two to three hours a day, plus garden time, is setting me up great for hiking and the beach, but not so much for me to be able to listen to Doja Cat or Two Feet ONE MORE TIME. I mean, they are still in rotation, but I seriously need new content.

Edit: Should mention I have lost a crapton of weight, with seemingly no adverse effects, except on how expensive it'll be to replace my wardrobe in a month...
@richardparker Teach me your ways -- I can run distance comfortably and still have energy after, but walking the same distance leaves me wanting to sleep for years. How tf is that even possible?