We now have an official map for BWF parks near you. If you know of one, please add it!

If you know of any park near you with equipment (pull up bar or anything), add it to the map!

Edit: Due to vandalism of the map you can no longer edit the map yourselves (you fucking kids). So now you have to use a form to submit it which keeps things tidy: just use the forms here to submit your map location and name/info. Or if you are having trouble, you can also PM /@lisamac and he can manually do it for you.​

Does anyone else wanna help consolidate or add locations from the following maps into our map?
It would be a lot of work, but then we'd have like, the ultimate most up to date list OF ALL THE INTERNET-LAND. Also, it would be nice if we could get those submissions verified though somehow and have a way to mark them as verified. Anyhoo, just throwing this out there as ideas.
@justified112 I agree it's pretty awesome. There are all over the country, hiding behind trees.

Some have these wide awkward parallel bars that are 70 cm apart and rings the same distance apart with very short chains. I guess they don't call them bulgarian dips for nothing ;d

But these ones and the ones I'm usually using have the perfect length/width rings apart and it's so awesome!

For now I haven't met another person that uses the rings (there are always people on the bars when I train, wherever I train - even 12pm at night). Only kids that swing from them. Mainly girls for some reason.
@biblecanon Hello,

thanks for your post. If all you guys like to publish your spots also on our map your are welcome.


We are also growing with all the spots. But we will still look a lot on quality. Qualiity for uns means we need photos, really exact positions and we our team will add a short text with some infos about the spot.

Thanks for your support. We are heavy working to get the 1.000 this year. We are actually working on a country list feature / filter. This will be released also this year.

New since some days is the tagging function. If you are searching for a special equipment like "Wall Bars" you can search by tag.

@fromgenesistorevelation After seeing your posts and videos, Antranik, I started using the local park that has a series of calisthenics stations along the jogging trail. Wonderful idea for the map and added mine! Thanks for all you do