We now have an official map for BWF parks near you. If you know of one, please add it!

@fromgenesistorevelation There are some in South Africa that I know of, they're just not in my town so I don't know where they are exactly. Come on Suid-Afrikaners lets show the world that we're not just a bunch of sticks and starvation.
@fromgenesistorevelation I just added some workout parks I frequently visit in Teaneck, NJ, and Fair Lawn, NJ. I've been biking and finding a lot of workout areas nearby, so when I remember the areas or stumble upon some new areas, I'll be sure to update the map some more. It would be cool to have an ultimate workout park map. Maybe someday...

Edit: Added two parks in Long Island that I have visited. Also added a gymnastics gym in Cranford, NJ with bi-weekly 2 hours open gyms for 10.00.
More to come.
@fromgenesistorevelation Was out hunting for a tree to hang my rings off of near where I am staying in Vancouver, and found a set of three pullup bars tucked away in some trees :)

I have added it to the map along with two other locations in Vancouver. We need more Canadian updates here! I refuse to believe there is that little out there in this country...
@fromgenesistorevelation Is there a way to prevent people from sabotaging the map? I've found markers that I and others have added moved to the middle of the ocean outside Greenland. Now I can't find the North America layer at all. That includes a couple of dozen markers that I added. I'm guessing they'll be restored from some kind of back up but if vandalism such as this was prevented in some way it would be great...
@fromgenesistorevelation This is great. I will be adding a bunch of entries to Southeast Florida (Ft. Lauderdale, FL area).

Just one question. I recently did a drive around looking for parks, but I don't remember all the ones I didn't end up making part of my regular routine. I know they had "stuff", but I can't remember the details because it wasn't adequete for the type of training I wanted to do (trying to replicate the types of obstacles you'd find at an OCR). Should I add these?