[WEEKLY THREAD] Feats of Thorsday! Share your achievements with us! Don't be shy!

@getupjohnnyboy Managed to clear my "regular" hiking trail route (8 miles, 4 mile uphill) with a new personal best time! Yay!

And just in time too. The first snowflakes started falling today, won't be long now until Ill have to put my hiking shoes up for the season.
@getupjohnnyboy I cleaned 125 pounds this week and deadlifted 265.

It was definitely a good week and working with an Olympic lifting coach is awesome. So is the Women's weightlifting bar - it so much more comfortable to use.
@lifeeeker I miss having access to the 15k bar more than anything else about my old gym. It's amazing how much of a difference the small difference in circumference makes.
@getupjohnnyboy Last week I posted a 175lb deadlift (at 5'2").
Yesterday I deadlifted 185!

200+, here I come...

(my school is hosting a deadlifting clinic tomorrow with some pretty renowned coaches [or so they say, I don't know who the hell they are]. I'm beyond excited.)
@getupjohnnyboy I was feeling a little down this morning because my flatmate, who used to have a body shape similar to mine, has gone on Ritalin (prescribed for her adult ADHD) and lost a lot of weight without trying. She has visible abs now, and I'm jealous--I work hard, and don't have those, yet!

But then I went to the gym and deadlifted 40kg for 10 reps, which is not a lot I know, but it's the most I've deadlifted so far. I texted my husband about both my abs-jealousy, and my deadlift, and he replied that when his deadlift a few weeks ago was only 40kg, so that made me pretty proud!

It's quite a feat for me to be more proud to be strong than skinny (something I'm obviously still working on), but my deadlift today really helped me remember what I'm really after, and that just not eating isn't the way to get there.
@brokenheart16 Oh, I'm so glad! Here I'm seeing all these awesome ladies DLing their body weight, and feeling like a total weakling. Congrats! I'm doing NRLFW but I almost can't wait to be done because I really want to start SL 5x5. Do you like it?
@agentcopp1 I know, but I keep telling myself everyone has to start somewhere! I do like it and how it progresses little by little with each workout, though I get annoyed its so male-focused - They must realise women do it too!
@agentcopp1 I think we all have those moments where we measure ourselves up against others, and that can be really tough. But try to measure yourself up against your old self instead and see how far you've come. Other peoples progress is great for inspiration, but not as a measurement of your own success. Your journey is your own!

(God, Im starting to sound like a inspirational pamphlet.)

To you US readers, 40 kgs is just short of 90 lbs! Thats a good deadlift!
@dawn16 Thanks! I'm trying to do exactly as you said, but sometimes getting your brain to behave is just as hard as lifting up heavy shit (as I'm sure you know too!) :)
@getupjohnnyboy After being sick for two weeks I am finally back on my workout routine - I have run my best 5K times in a year AND I can do a 60 lbs lat pull down on the machine :) Yay progress!!
@getupjohnnyboy This past weekend I went to an amusement park and we were looking for someone in the large lines waiting to get in the park. We couldn't find him so I told one of the girls in our group to get on my shoulders and I squatted her up to see above the crowd. As I did I heard one of the guys behind me say "Dude, I'm pretty sure she lifts" and someone else said "she's really strong". Might sound a little silly but it made me feel like a beast.
@getupjohnnyboy Just got back in the gym after a long break (surgery, moving to the other side of the world, so on). Today was DL day, and I was sharing the rack with some dude doing curls (I know - but to be fair, the gym only has two barbells so I'll give the guy a break on that one)

I did a couple light sets to warm up and then loaded on my working weight. The guy goes "Um, are you sure you should lift that, it's quite heavy you know..."

I turn to him and said "I used to lift 10kg heavier, it's been a while." Proceeded to DL said weight for 5.

I know that the weight I lifted really wasn't that high, but that little exchange still gave me a nice confidence boost!