What’s your current routine?

@gineke As of right now, Laser focused on Pull Ups. So everything is around the weakpoints, biceps, forearms, grip, retraction strength. I NEED a Chest to Bar Pull Up, non explosive.
@gineke 5 days a week, with sets distributed throughout the day:

40 L pull-ups on rings

40 weighted dips

40 pseudo-planche pushups

40 minutes of bicycling

20 chin-up/toes-to-the-bar leg raise combos

1 minute of interesting plank variations every time I take a break at work

Beyond that, 10K run / walk (depending on if have friends to walk with) a few times a week.

I increase the difficulty of an exercise whenever it gets boring or too easy. I don't switch it up much, maybe change an exercise to something else every few months while keeping the same push/pull balance.

I've been doing it for years, and it works well enough. 42(m), 194cm, 97kg, 12% body fat.
@gineke 3 days full body, 1 day legs only.

For my full body: 4 sets of 2 FL exercises, 8 sets of wall HSPU, 4-5 sets of weighted pullups or OAP assisted trainings, 4 sets of weighted dips, barbell curls, triceps extension, pushups.

For legs, I do barbell squats and barbell lunges.
@bencramsie Small, easy routines like this create habits easily and over the long course (ten years in your case), it'll lead to substantial gains.

Trés bien!
@gineke This year I'm focusing on getting better at press ups and pull ups,

I now just pick one exercise and complete as many reps as possible to complete failure.

As long as I hit complete failure I'm happy, and I've being noticing alot more strength in this method then doing 5 different chest exercises for an example
@gineke Last Friday I finished my BWF Primer Build Up, today is my first day of the BWF Primer Routine, scheduled on Sun/Tue/Thu.

After having done the Recommended Routine two years ago, I stopped training because of Corona closed the gym. Now I resume training at home, as an absolute beginner, using rings for the inclined rows and a box for inclined push-ups and squat.

My goal is (and was) to do 5 pull-ups, maybe by the end of this year, else by the end of next year, regardless my age of 80+, but maybe the journey towards my goal is of more interest then reaching my goal :)
@gineke 3 day split. Push, Pull, Rest

Pull: 6 sets of 5 FL pullups, 3 sets of one arm FL, 4 sets of rows with touch each rep, 3 sets of "standing caruso" (basically standing FL to victorian -> made that up myself)

Push: Handstand holds, Planche holds, 3 sets of Hs pushups, 3 sets of pseudo pushups on rings, 4 sets of elevated pike pushups

I do legs whenever I want. Only doing squats and bulgarians atm.
@gineke For context: height- 5 feet 9 inches; weight- 68 kgs/150 lbs

Monday: 10 sets of upper body push exercises(Different pushup variations and dips) (15-20 reps) and core workout routine (hanging leg raises, planks, crunches)

Tuesday: Cardio (Jump rope, Burpees, Mountain climbers, bicycle crunches and jump squats) (30-45 mins)

Wednesday: 10 sets of squats and lunges and 6-8 sets of pull up variations (chin ups, neutral grip)

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: Same as Monday

Saturday: Same as Wednesday

Sunday: Rest
@gineke I do two different routines both Full Body:

Barbell floor press
Shoulder press
Bentover rows
Chin ups
Hanging Leg raises

Decline pushups
Chin ups
Band pull aparts
Hanging Leg raises
Squats w/weight vest
Reverse Lunges
Calf Raises on stairs
@gineke I do full body every day- with a 25lb weighted vest usually warm up with 60 pull-ups vested then 100 non vested then I just do squats- and push ups
@gineke Trying for 2hrs of fasted morning cardio. Then 1hr evening weights on 1 muscle group every day. 6 days a week. I've worked up to this yes. Already been doing it but not every day.
@gineke A 50/50 split of calisthenics + weight training for me. Having tested doing solely one or the other for years, I’ve found that doing both actually works best for the physical goals I want to reach.