What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

@thebelovedofgod I basically can't decide. A lot of that has to do with me being 122lbs even back when I was working out all the time. Like I hated lat pull downs, why, because as a 122lb dude, every time I sit down on the seat to do them, if I am not 100% locked down, I just pull myself up off the seat.

Or deadlift, I still hate squats because of weighing as I do I could never be strong at doing them very well, so I thought I would do t bar deadlift, I thought I would suck at it, but I was actually able to enjoy it being able to deadlift up to 265lbs even at around my 12th attempt to do it. I was still really strong back then my legs were actually my weakest.

Same on leg extensions.

One thing I did use to hate was skull crushers. I used all sort of ways to exercise my triceps, until I tried skull crushers, and I'm like, holy shit...

Or another, side oblique exercises, because I never had clear side obliques sticking off the side of my body before.

I have a lot hate relationship with sittups, because I would have to do a lot at one time just to have any effect, and at some point around 450 at one time, I'm skin and bone, so if I went that high on the ground, it makes your butt feel like it's crumbling into dust.

I started working out when I was 7, so there's not a lot I would not like about exercises.
@thebelovedofgod Hack squats for sure with the caveat being putting yoga blocks under my shoulders for increased ROM. Always hated the machine because it stopped short and now it’s the best quad builder for me.
One exercise I’ve grown to love are weighted decline situps.

I prefer these over cable crunches. At least for now while holding a dumbbell or plate is still challenging for me. I find it easier to isolate abs.

I used to max out the stack on the crunch machine at the gym but my abs got sore as hell the day after doing bodyweight decline sit-ups for the first time last August. Apparently those crunch machines at the gym allow you to cheat with your hips or something.
@thebelovedofgod I've incorporated dumbbell flys in recent weeks after having not touched them since July. And they are great for chest. Including incline dumbbell flys for upper chest.

Yes its true you don't get a stretch at the top. But so what? Jeff Nippard does those fancy partials for dumbbell flys. But I'm not sure if you really need to actually do that. Unless you're in a hurry maybe. It's not like your pecs are going to regenerate to full HP at the top.

I also feel better mind-muscle connection using the dumbbells in my hand than with cables or Pec Deck. It also helps that I have long arms. I don't like bench for the same reason.
@thebelovedofgod Since I switched to a home gym over a typical gym, I’ve relied more on dumbbells for leg exercises. And there’s lots of them that I found awesome for leg development.

I’d say the one that most surprised me was lying on the floor dumbbell leg curl. It’s so simple and effective that I’m mad at myself for never doing these before. You just lie with your belly on the floor, grab the weight with both feet, and curl the weight. You don’t need much weight 20 - 40 lbs is enough, just keep constant tension throughout the lift and these will burn! You’ll also get a good pump and feel it in your calf too

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