What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?

@eyeq Great synergy between lifting, running, and hiking up hills. I guess not specializing is what has really helped. I used to just run.
@eyeq Warm up! I started adding 10 mins of mobility work and a fee mins of foam rolling before all of my workouts and it's been huge.
@joyceclaudy I tailor my warm ups to whatever muscle group I'm targeting that day (and i sneak abs in there too) I have about 4 that I use. I also steal moves from Kaisafit on instagram.

An example for like leg day would be;

- Inch worms

- Side Stretch

- Good Mornings (Light weight or bodyweight)

- Kettlebell Windmill (Light weight or bodyweight)

- squat to fold stretch

- Pulsing Fencing stretch

- Sit up with overhead press (Light weight or bodyweight)

- squat with forward press (Light weight or bodyweight)

- lunge with twist (Light weight or bodyweight)

- Russian twist (Light weight or bodyweight)
@joyceclaudy Not the person your replying to but I do sun salutations, with extra stuff in if I fancy it

Stand up

Forward fold


Lunge + spine rotations

Downward dog

Upward dog

Walk hands back to feet

Roll back up to standing

Repeat other side, or more
@eyeq Jump rope helps with the running. I can sprint with high knees on a treadmill. And weight train about 4 days a week aside from cardio.

I'm inching 40 and look spectacular. Very satisfied with my transformation both physically and mentally.
@katechon Do you have any tips for jump roping? I try to do it but when every other jump catches the rope, I just want to quit! Am I trying to go too fast? Is the rope too short??
@randy321 I watched a few YouTube videos. Don't watch the girls jumping rope. Watch the guy youtube videos of jumping rope. Then watch boxers videos jumping rope.

As far as jumping. Get your phone and set a timer. Try to jump for 20 seconds. Then, 30 seconds. And then 1 minute without stopping. I got my first jump rope at Marshall's (lol) it had lil weights on the handles. I never actually measured it to my height. I should've probably done that. I also realized jumping in front of a mirror at the gym made me focus on my feet more than when Im my backyard.

I honestly didn't practice it daily. A few times a week and focus on other forms of cardio that are easier on my joints like the stair master.

I'm just super impatient and my trainer required me to do 4 check ins weekly with each session burning 400 calories. On top of lifting. So I had to figure out which cardio burns and increases your heart rate the fastest. Jump rope is the key.
@eyeq I love my running/hot yoga combo in the summers!

Also are you looking for typical things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking farther away? Those are always good.
@marielovesk9 Anything really! Just interested in what works for others for my own inspiration.

I’m already the weirdo in the office who always takes the stairs 💪
@jordan1984 Yes! As someone who sucks at cardio it is surprising how much lifting helps.

I did CrossFit for close to a year and they said, today we are testing your 5k time. We don't run much in CrossFit, I was able to run the whole 5k without stopping.
@jordan1984 Back in my mid 20s (I'm 34 now) I tried to start running. Tried the couch to 5k but still found it impossible to run even one full mile. Anyway, a few years later, I started lifting. I think I was about 27? Well after a few years of just lifting, I was like, maybe I should add in some cardio. So I tried to run again. Lo and behold, I could run a full 5k without stopping. I mean I was still slow but I wouldn't have been able to do that 5 years before