@twallacejolly I actually do have prime! But I admit I haven’t utilized it very much. I should challenge myself to incorporate it more.
Performance has more of a CrossFit, met-con type feel. While I like that style of workout, I think I like it because it’s often done in a group setting so there’s that camaraderie. But obviously no group for Performance. There were times it was mentally tough. However, I had hugely noticeable gains in my both muscular & cardiovascular endurance, which opens up a whole new world of programming when you are better conditioned.
Then I went into Aesthetic. By far this was the program where I had the most dramatic results in appearance. Over the 9 weeks, I dropped 2% bodyfat and I wasn’t necessarily trying to so I was eating plenty. Some of that drop is because I increased muscle mass but my measurements showed a drop in fat, too. The catch with aesthetic is that it’s a big commitment. 3 workouts a week are around 90 min in length. 2 of the workouts are 20-30. But I did love it and I’m sure I will run it again sometime.
I like the videos better in their newer programs I think. Symmetry’s videos don’t pause to put up descriptions which I appreciate. They just have the description to the left and the video to the right, which is so much nicer when I’m mid workout and just want a quick refresher and don’t need the words.
Symmetry might be my favorite one I’ve done, though I’ve loved them all. It’s felt kind of recuperative and I didn’t even have any glaring imbalances, but after finishing aesthetic my body needed the break and I have definitely increased strength big time on these dumbbell exercises. I’m excited to see how it translates to the 5x5 in the final phase