What are some simple things you all do to improve your fitness?

@bmax1985 I love mind pump! Highly recommend Prime if you haven’t tried it yet. What’s performance and aesthetic like? I did anabolic and wasn’t a huge fan of the videos that went with it. Prime had more detailed vids where the guys were actually training each other and giving more detailed feedback.
@twallacejolly I actually do have prime! But I admit I haven’t utilized it very much. I should challenge myself to incorporate it more.

Performance has more of a CrossFit, met-con type feel. While I like that style of workout, I think I like it because it’s often done in a group setting so there’s that camaraderie. But obviously no group for Performance. There were times it was mentally tough. However, I had hugely noticeable gains in my both muscular & cardiovascular endurance, which opens up a whole new world of programming when you are better conditioned.

Then I went into Aesthetic. By far this was the program where I had the most dramatic results in appearance. Over the 9 weeks, I dropped 2% bodyfat and I wasn’t necessarily trying to so I was eating plenty. Some of that drop is because I increased muscle mass but my measurements showed a drop in fat, too. The catch with aesthetic is that it’s a big commitment. 3 workouts a week are around 90 min in length. 2 of the workouts are 20-30. But I did love it and I’m sure I will run it again sometime.

I like the videos better in their newer programs I think. Symmetry’s videos don’t pause to put up descriptions which I appreciate. They just have the description to the left and the video to the right, which is so much nicer when I’m mid workout and just want a quick refresher and don’t need the words.

Symmetry might be my favorite one I’ve done, though I’ve loved them all. It’s felt kind of recuperative and I didn’t even have any glaring imbalances, but after finishing aesthetic my body needed the break and I have definitely increased strength big time on these dumbbell exercises. I’m excited to see how it translates to the 5x5 in the final phase
@eyeq I didn't do this to improve my fitness, but the outcome was unexpectely amazing for my fitness & overall health:

Stop drinking alcohol
@tp552 Not drinking for 2 years has been the best. Even down to shinier & longer hair. A lot less effort is needed for longer lasting results
@eyeq Yeah, I didn't have the intention of stopping forever, but 3 years later my life is remarkably better. Way more energy, stressors are easier to deal with, sleep quality (thus recovery) is unreal, less bloating and puffiness, less shit calories.

So far, there are no downsides 🙌
@eyeq honestly i've stopped recently for fitness and the way your waistline immediately shrinks is crazy. plus running the day after you drink and feeling yourself sweat the alc out is more of a reason to not do it LOL
@eyeq Stretching is enormous for me. Not only for recovery and flexibility, but also as a way to take some time for self care and appreciation.

Also powerwalking. Anytime you have to go anywhere, go fast. It's such a low impact way to get light cardio, and it all adds up.
@eyeq Drink less booze so I’m not hungover for too many workouts 😂

But also, in no particular order - prioritising protein in food choices, walk more places, make sure I stretch after every workout, build in some recovery workouts into my plan (Pilates stretch classes etc).
@eyeq I have dumbbells at home, and I do strength workouts on days that I don’t want to go to the gym. It only takes 15-20 minutes.

I go for walks on my lunch break.

Eggs for breakfast.