What are you current max lifts by body weight?


New member
Hi all, so I’m focusing on strength at the moment. I’m using some of the 5,3,1 program, alongside other things.

My current body weight is 70kg (m, 166cm)
  • Bench: 100kg (1.43 x bw)
  • Deadlift: 152.5kg (2.18 x bw)
  • Squat: 125kg (1.78x bw)
  • OHP: 62.5kg (0.89x bw)
What’s yours? What are you aiming for?

I’m aiming for 1.5 x bench, 2 x squat at the moment.

Edit: should say ‘your’ in the title…
@jpaulhansen 5’8 155 lbs
Bench press - 145 lbs
Squat - 250 lbs
Deadlift - 205 lbs
OHP - 105 lbs

Coming up on one year lifting. Feels like the lower lifts progress a lot faster than upper. Progression has been tough on the bench at times.
@promel10 Idk - to be fair, these are predicted 1RM’s from Strong app. My current best sets are:

Squat - 155 x 15
Deadlift - 175 x 6

So it seems like that best set with the squats rocketed up my predicted 1RM. I’ve only really tried to do 1 rep maxes once. I typically workout alone in a weight room at the school I teach at, so I’m a little risk averse for those.
@kaiisbae The difference 2.5kg (5.5lb) can make on bench is quite ridiculous at times. More so OHP.

While my current is 100kg bench (set a week ago after the stars aligned with diet, sleep and rest), I attempted this again yesterday and couldn’t get it. I blame tiredness, stress and work.

Those are great lifts for a year of training mate. Keep at it!
@kaiisbae I misread your post almost thought it said 205lbs ohp mouth drop. I can barely 1rm 100 on ohp tough to make progress.
165 lbs squat
260 lbs dl
100 lbs ohp
145lbs bench

Currently a bit over two months into stronglift 5x5. Ohp is the hardest for me to progress, but deadlift has been the hardest for me to master form the lat engagement is a tough cue.
@janicekumala Lol no way on that ohp- 90x4 and 85x7 are my best sets.

Deadlift was tough for a while but one week I decided to just throw as much weight as I could on each lift and see what happened and apparently I was leaving a lot on the floor with deadlift and added a ton of weight. Now it’s been slow and steady progress.
@kaiisbae We are at very similar numbers I can do 2 reps of 100 on ohp but on stronglifts I'm at 90 x 5 but failed this week. For bench what helped me was mastering leg drive and changing my barpath so that when pressing back up I push the weight back towards my head as soon as I can to try to get the weight from being a lever arm to more joint stacked if that makes any sense.

I'm super careful on form and progression I hurt myself a year ago being not as form conscious i dont want to go back to not lifting. Deadlift I could do more I think but I've struggled to get my back flat and maintain perfect form so I've been staying down in weight. They say deadlift is an easy lift to learn pull weight up from the ground but damn it's the hardest one to get right for me.
@jpaulhansen Also 70kg @ 171cm

Max lifts are:

Bench 112.5kg

Squat 130kg (can do more than this, but this is the highest I've tried recently)

Deadlift 190kg is heaviest I've tried convential and 205kg sumo

OHP 65kg

Chin up +55kg

Good luck on your lifting journey, I've been doing 531 for the last 8 months or so and enjoying it!

Edit: Aiming to steadily increase all lifts during next bulking cycle. No specific goals!
@st1710 Nice man! Those are some impressive lifts.

Part of my issue at the moment is training alone in my home gym. Absolutely NOT complaining about being fortunate enough to have a gym space, but I do worry that one day my wife will come home to find that I’ve decapitated myself.

Obviously have safeties, but don’t try maxes regularly because I like to have someone around haha
@jpaulhansen That's super cool - I'm hoping to get a home gym one day!

I would practice safely failing reps on squats and bench if you have safeties set up. Possibly with your wife nearby for some reassurance!
@jpaulhansen 82kgs …. Ish, in a weird new diet so it can vary up to 87kgs.
Bench: 125kgs
Deadlift: 230kgs
Squat: 165kgs
OHP: 61kgs

Kind of rough guesses. I’ve taken a month off benching but I was hitting 125kgs for 3-5 reps so I’m confident I could hit that once. I have not done a max/close to max on DLs in years but I’m consistently hitting 215kgs for 3-5 reps at the end of my sets. As for squats, I’ve always sucked at them, it’s a love hate lol. I’m more of a volume squat guy, 5-6 sets of 10-12. As I say that two months ago I lifted with a power lifter friend and hit 175kgs for 1 rep on squats, not sure if I could do that now so I went under a little. Lastly I don’t really OHP, so my number there is just my 5-8 reps for a set or two. My programs have always been different from classic body builders, power lifers, or competition guys.