What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

@contodomicorazon Thank you but special thanks are not needed, this is an unexpected crisis but it is still part of the job. We just need everyone doing what they can, so thank you to you for doing your part.
@dawn16 Stay safe out there! My wife is also a doctor that is working directly with Covid patients. We have three kids at home and have stayed quarantine this whole time to keep them and ourselves healthy. Fuck all these idiots that are directly putting people like you and my wife in harms way.
@dawn16 Whoa there... anonymous internet tough guy. I’ll go enjoy my life. I’m a pulmonologist... see how easy it is to lie on Reddit. Go fuck yourself
@stthomaschristian I could be wrong about this idea but shouldn’t we want as many healthy people to get it as possible? Even if there is a vaccine it seems like there are good/some chances it becomes seasonal and gradually mutates. The more healthy people that get it that have mild or no symptoms, don’t have to go to the hospital etc, the greater chance of the virus having less and less impact on the population. I’ve done some reading on the topic of the virus but by no means an expert. Is there anything pragmatically wrong with this idea? Obviously don’t put ones self in reckless situations like “Covid parties” but the risks of catching it at a gym while higher than say a grocery store should have less adverse affects on those contracting it. I guess then the argument is the gym goers will spread it to weaker/at risk individuals and therefore - bad. But is this any more probable than vectors coming from essential businesses? It seems like that’s the question.
@dawn16 There are no serious experts that believe that we can get herd immunity just from people getting without killing a lot of people. This disease is showing signs of causing significant long term effects for those who survive it. There is no indication that this disease is becoming seasonal, and there is no good evidence that immunity lasts all that long, similar to other coronaviruses that cause the common cold.
@bizrsc1 I guess the sentiment of my statement is it seems like these would be the discussion points to hit on in establishing if it’s ethical etc for gyms to operate. As the data answers these individual questions, the solution can be obtained rather than emotional reaction to people doing whatever they want.

Like i guess if so many grocery stores have the capacity for curbside pickup how is it ethical that we are still permitting indoor shopping at all? Things and topics in the same spirit as that seem like productive conversations to have in figuring out what to do.
@stthomaschristian I go to a speak easy gym and I don’t really like the speak easy gym that I go to because they are always trying to charge me and even though when I pay my membership that’s $16.99 they still want to charge me more and I am all like wth really freaking gyms well I mean I guess that’s what you pay if you want to join a gym and get a membership I have also heard that other gyms that are popular like golds gym and LA fitness and 24 hour fitness are way more better and you pay cheaper so to be honest with you guys that’s my situation at my speak easy gym and also I have heard bad reviews about these gyms of speak easy fitness I mean I could message the owner and tell him my situation on what is going on at my gym but I don’t want to make it a big deal