What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

@stthomaschristian I've seen this with a number of businesses. As a small business employee, it screams "I care more about money than anything else".

I understand people need to pay their bills, but I personally do not think that safety is an okay thing to sacrifice for money.
@miami77 Tell that to the loggers and the roofers and the farmers in this country. It’s not okay to sacrifice safety for money so they need to quit their jobs stat because those are some of the most dangerous occupations in America. Let’s add in construction workers too. Hell, let’s just shut down all activities outside the home because it’s not safe!
@miami77 Nah, fam. I just took what you said to the logical extreme to prove a point.

The point is, life comes with risks. Covid-19 is just one of them.
@dawn16 Loggers, farmers, and all other businesses run their businesses while reducing risk wherever possible.

I work at an essential business. We never closed, but we took all measures to keep ourselves and others safe, including shutting down classes.

Opening a gym to multiple people is not taking measures to keep people safe. It is blantantly ignoring safety measures.

Have a nice day.
@stthomaschristian Not my gym, but I’m on the email list for a gym by my family’s vacation home. They straight up emailed a way to inconspicuously open while claiming they were closed. I don’t fault them because it’s their livelihood. They said it wasn’t a political statement, social distancing strictly enforced, no new members, you could sign up for time slots, no social media.
@sweetsunshine Exactly this. You can’t fault them because it’s their livelihood. Is it ultimately unsafe and irresponsible? Yes. But you can’t blame them. People, as individuals, are only able to shoulder so much of society’s burden.

The government should be providing them (and all small business and individuals in need) with financial assistance while aggressively fighting back the pandemic. Instead, it’s just riling up its base to protest shut downs and evading responsibility.

When our collective representatives act like that, you’re going to end up with people being unsafe and irresponsible. But you can’t fault them; it’s their livelihood.
@stthomaschristian My gym did this and I fully supported it. They did what they had to do to stay in business. Many people still stayed home. The ones who continued working out at the gym understood the risk and decided it was worth it. Importantly, most of them were taking extra steps to avoid vulnerable people outside the gym (or at least they said they were).

Whether it's driving a car, doing CrossFit for exercise instead of just taking a brisk walk, going skydiving, or working out during a virus with a >99% survival rate, life is all about taking calculated risks. You decide what you want to do. Not sure why so many people have issues with that.
@praynmama How is it selfish? I went to the gym and worked out around others who decided it was worth the risk to go to the gym. It's not like we were leaving the gym and heading down the street to visit the local nursing home afterwards.

For healthy people in their 20s and 30s, this virus is basically the flu. If you want to live your life in fear, that's fine. Don't force the rest of us to do that.
For healthy people in their 20s and 30s, this virus is basically the flu.

First, it affects everyone differently. There is enough long-term, lingering lung damage alone across all cases to keep me from making such a stupid generalization.

Second, I don't trust that someone who can't keep themselves out of a place that has explicitly been closed is trustworthy enough to keep themselves in compliance with safety restrictions in other, more public places like grocery stores. You know, where there is certainly not only a population of "healthy people in their 20s and 30s". They have demonstrated an inability to follow precautions and think of their community's health.

Third, you should be trying to set an example for others. If you don't comply with closures and safety measures, then people who may have been on the fence about it are going to think it's fine (another example being wearing a mask).

And finally, it is selfish because closures and other safety measures are not about protecting individuals, they are about protecting communities. And if you don't have the community buy in completely, it fails. Look at the new rise in cases pretty much everywhere because everyone immediately thought "open" meant "no safety precautions needed any more". Mindsets like yours are where that comes from.

Selfish, me-first behavior that is the antithesis of what "CrossFit community" used to be.
@iconpharm You don’t have to let people work out at your gym to stay in business. Ask your members to keep paying if they can and offer virtual coaching. How many members is the gym going to have if they develop covid related chronic fatigue?
@iconpharm A lot of gyms have gone under because a lot of people have lost their jobs. People that lose their jobs aren’t paying for the gym regardless if the gym is available or not. However, if you have clientele that are able to afford your gym, but won’t pay for it if they aren’t allowed in due to health regulations, then fuck those selfish assholes. Why would you want people like that in your community? We all need to be in this together. Some day this will end, and I want my gym to still be there when it is