What do you eat before an early morning workout?

@jonahmerchant12 Water and coffee. I do not like working out with food in my stomach.

I used to do time restricted eating and while I don't strictly subscribe to it anymore it really changed my perspective on what we actually need to eat and when. Your body is excellent at maintaining and distributing its calories, all you're dealing with right now is the conditioned response of your habits (assuming you eat enough on a daily basis).

I can't tell you one thing or another works better, it's all preference, but for me I feel lighter and move better when I have my last food(usually a sizeable dinner) around 7 or 8 and then workout from 5-7.
@jonahmerchant12 I always go fasted! I used to experience morning nausea and my trainer recommended eating just a simple apple before the gym to spike sugars and reduce this. It worked for a little bit but I much prefer going to the gym empty!

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