What have you done to significantly improve your conditioning


New member
Got 116 reps on 23.1a. While I’m not unhappy with it together with my b score I thought I would be able to do at least a little better. Say 130+ reps? How do I improve my conditioning in WODs? My shuttle runs were actually pretty similar in speed maybe +5s every set. My burpees went 5s, 7s, 9s, 10s, 7.5s per rep on the rounds I did. This is where I see my main issue.
@janitrol When I was in my best shape of my life I was spending Sunday mornings with a group of marathon runners. They started me off running 3 miles, then 5, etc. by the time they got done with me I was running 13 miles pretty soundly. This boosted my CrossFit engine so much. If you can run 13 miles you can keep falling down and getting up lol. See if there are running groups you can go with
@casey73 This is the answer I was hoping to not hear😂 running has always been such a tough thing and therefore never do it. But I think it will be something worth implementing as it gets warmer
@janitrol Try different kinds of running, too. Long distance legs may benefit you in certain kinds of wods but sprinting/speed and interval work will train your engine to endure different challenges.
@janitrol If you're like most people, you're probably pushing too much. Keep your pace at a point where you can breathe calmly through the nose. Distance runners also program speedwork, but the meat of any running program is long, slow runs with a moderate (Zone 2) heart rate to build up your aerobic base.

As someone who used to feel like death after every run, slowing down was such a revelation and allowed me to stay on my feet for much longer. Speed comes later :)

This r/running post is a good starting point:
@casey73 This. I told my wife yesterday, had I known ahead of time what the workout was going to be, I would have done a 6 mile run 2-3 days before my scheduled session. I can go out and do a 3 mile run every day of the week, np, but the real difference maker is when you start doing 6+ mile runs.
@casey73 This. I came to CrossFit from ultra running. My gymnastics and strengths skills are my limiting factors but as a runner, I can do burpees all day.
@mommamimi Me too! Anytime I see burpees or light weight plyo in the workout I’m like 😏. The shuttle runs on Friday night were so much fun and offered some respite from the damn pull ups!
@casey73 All of this. I started a Sunday Run Club at our gym in the summer months. That turned into a group of us running 5k races, then 10k, then half marathons, then a marathon last year. Running for 4+ hours makes a 20 cal row seem trivial in comparison.
@janitrol Not trying to sound flippant but honestly you just need to do more conditioning. Just do more. IMO buy Year of the engine and in 3 month you’ll notice a huge difference.
@justine108 Saw someone already answered but figured I’d add my two cents. It’s designed to be supplemental, so works well with CrossFit. The first few months you can do fairly quickly, 30m sessions or so, then I noticed it seems to take up more and more time past that. Within the first 6 weeks I saw massive improvement. I recommend it to everyone.
@tambus10500 I’ll add in and back up this person’s experience. I did YOE for about 3 months and saw a noticeable uptick in my conditioning, but my biggest improvement was I learned more about my pacing and how to regulate energy output depending on the workout. Absolute game changer as far as looking at a workout and knowing the range I can keep myself in without burning up. I stopped after the first phase because at the time I needed to trim back on some expenses, but I would recommend it in a heartbeat.
@noridavis Idk if you got the email but if you were one of the first wave of people to do YoE I believe you can restart your subscription at a discount from the $25-30/month and they have a new app with different data and such.