What I ate over last 3 days


New member
I ate cakes and cookies, rice and potatoes, meat and meat, salads and fruits, drunk wine, champagne, Prosecco and G&T…

I’m absolutely happy with what I ate, and enjoyed every bite because I’m back to gym tomorrow. Not letting 3 days become 3 months or 3 years. Right back on.

Be kind to yourselves but go back to the routine you worked so hard for! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! ❤️💪🏻
@suzannebea1975 yes!! this is definitely something i've been working on. for a while, i had this "all or nothing" mentality when it came to my diet, but i learned that wasn't getting me anywhere, so i've learned to get back on track pretty easily!
@suzannebea1975 Anyone else started feeling sick from all the sugar/lack of veggies? I love indulging, but I also love knowing that my body actually craves “the good stuff”
@waymac Yes agreed. And I’m more of a sausage type a girl 🤣 tiramisu wins over other desserts but nothing beats a nice Cumberland, Polish or German sausage (hihihi 35F and still giggling at the use of the word sausage)
@suzannebea1975 Hear hear!

I have had two weeks off the gym due to a severe cold since the 13th (still congested in chest and nose - gah!!) And a lot of free eating of high carb/sugar foods.

I've only managed to lose 1.4kg over that while time (compared to about 650-750gm a week) but I'll take it as a win since it was the worst timing not to have exercise on board!

Went back this morning though - it was tough, but I got through so looking forward to getting back into routine
@suzannebea1975 I love this! I take about a week off for Christmas just to enjoy time with family and indulge a little. I always get really excited to back to my routine though lol