What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

@seele Exactly. Technically you have a bunch of options, you can do the ABA/BAB routine but you're only getting 48h rest between muscles and its kind of weird to set up. I'd personally stick to hitting a muscle goup once per week in your case, recovery will be better.
@slow This. You don't have to do the same full body workout three times a week like in you post, typically you cycle between 2 - 4 different workouts. GZCL is great routine for that (has four that you cycle through).
@guaguar I know it's an old post so an example would be

Mon A Wed B Fri A
Mon B Wed A Fri B

Correct? I've been getting lack of sleep due to my schedule so I'm looking for a full body routine 3X a week.
@andypm Yes, exactly.

Easy even if you miss a day, the next workout day you just do what you were supposed to do in the workout before. A, B, repeat forever.

I'm doing the same schedule/split too
@sammyclifnote I been doing a full body one day on one day off for a recomp after an extended break. The results have been amazing so far.

5 min cardio warmup each day

Day A
Exercise SetsXReps
Squat 5x5
Inclinebench 5x5
Row 5x5
Shrugs 3x8
dips 3x8-12
Barbell Curls 3x8-12
Leg raises 4x12-20

Day B
Deadlift 5x5
Standing Press 5x5
Pullups 5x10
CG Bench 3x8
Hammer Curl 3x10-12
Weighted Crunch 4x12-20
Delt flys 3x8-12

When you hit all sets/reps up weight 5lbs

Each can be done in an hour-hour and a half depending on rest between sets
@sammyclifnote I personally like :

1) squat/leg press/hack squat, horizontal press, horizontal row

2) hamstring focus hinge (deadlift, SLDL etc), incline press, vertical pull

3) side delts, bicep, Tricep, leg extensions, leg curls

First two workouts focus on compounds and hit chest back quads and hamstrings.

Third workout isolates the upper body muscles that don’t get hit as well during the upper compounds. Also has isolations for quads and hamstrings.
@willorie1329 No one made that claim?
The argument is whether it's more efficient to do full body 3 times a week or ppl or another bro split 1x a week. The science has been abundantly clear regarding the importance of frequency. You'll get better results hitting a specified group more than once a week as opposed to 1x. This does have diminishing returns based on stamina and recovery and that's why a 4-5+ full body routines lag behind traditional 2x and 3x routines.
@slow Dont know man , It always worked for me.

Kind of interesting how much everyone seems to know about science and some fucking studies etc and still look average at most…

People should stop being all
theoretical and making a fucking rocket science out of it Some weeks you Hit the gym 4x others 3x or 5x at the end of the day it all comes down to Breaking down muscle fibers and progressive overload paired with good nutrition/sleep