What is the best routine for no equipment?


New member
18, been vegan for 4 years. I do 6 days a week and do a 2 routine workout where I switch off everyday except Sunday. I’m 5’7 and weigh about 148 pounds and look muscular but also slim at the same time. I’m not as defined as I want to be and want more defined abs and a larger chest. I’ll list my routines down below, but I was wondering what would be most beneficial for the physique I want to go for? What should I be eating and what workout should I do? How many times should I be eating everyday, how many days should I workout a week? Is 6 too much. It’s about an hour to an hour and a half each exercise. Idk basically getting a whole breakdown from some pros on here would be great.

My routines:

Workout Routine 1:

LEG EXTENSION 30 repetitions with each leg

LUNGE Do 30 repetitions with each leg for a set.

SCISSORS Do 30 reps for each leg.

BURPEE Do 30 reps of burpees

PUSH-UPS Do 30 reps of push-ups for 2 sets

GLUTE BRIDGE Do 20 reps and 2 sets. Make sure the butt muscles are the ones compromised on the exercise.

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Do 20 and 2 sets reps for each leg.

BICYCLE CRUNCHES Repeat this movement alternately 40 times for 2 sets.

REVERSE CRUNCHES You can put your hands behind your butt if it hurts your backbones. In this position, raise the lower part of your body, directing your knees towards your chest, hold a second, lower your body back down, and repeat the process 20 times for 2 sets.

V-UP do 30 reps of v-ups for 2 sets.

SQUATS Do 20 reps of squats for 2 sets.

Cobra pose, 1 minute.

Workout Routine 2:

Jogging 20 Minutes.

Stair Climbing 20 Minutes.

PUSH-UPS Do 30 reps of push-ups for 2 sets.

MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Do 20 and 2 sets reps for each leg.

SQUATS Do 20 reps of squats for 2 sets.

BREATHING Do breathing exercises for 1-2 minutes, breathe in and out and then get back to the grind.

SIT UPS Do 30 reps of sit ups for 2 sets
want more defined abs

This comes down to having a low body fat more than anything else. So you would need to focus on diet and losing weight.

and a larger chest.

You'll need to train your chest more. Make sure you are using correct form when doing push-ups so that you are targeting the chest. You might want to try a more difficult variation for higher intensity rather than high volume.

I recommend you look at r/bodyweightfitness and use a routine that they recommend.
@fasfdfdsfs I wanted the same results you're looking for and I like my current progress based off of a pretty relaxed workout regimen.

I just bought a few weights online and lift with those regularly at home. I lift every day, usually 30-40 minute bursts of activity throughout the day combined with a lot of stretching and movement exercises. I also walk and hike a lot, I'd suggest jogging or biking if you want faster cardio.

Diet is extremely important, a whole food plant based diet mostly free of tofu, seitan, imitation meat/dairy, protein powder and other processed food will take you very far.

I have some progress pics in my profile, if that's similar to the results you're looking for those things should help.
@fasfdfdsfs Try running multiple times a week, and then a couple times a week do walking lunges. If you have a track near you, do 100m walking lunges and then 100m walking, and repeat. Pushups and pull-ups and their variations are good. All of that will help your core. No need for a gym unless you're trying to really bulk up. Do some handstand push-ups to build out your upper chest a bit.
@fasfdfdsfs The best routine is the one you stick to. I always recommend people find programs with proven results, and emulate those programs. The one you’ve listed is fine. You’ll know when you’ve outgrown it. Just make a training schedule and stick to it. Good luck!