What is the best yoga for beginners


New member
To start with,

Trikon Aasan and Cat-stretch (Maarjhari Aasan), Baby-pose are some postures, to get proper stretch for your body. And then Sun-salutation is a complete Aasan, also known as King of Aasan. A complete set of 12 Aasans.

Once you start Sun-salutation, from right leg first or left leg first, then subsequently second round with other leg, that makes it 1 complete set.

Like this you need to go for 6 sets to 8 sets to 12 to 15 sets in a period. For one count, you may go on for 5 to 7 days.

Everyday, while you are done with Aasan and Yoga postures, then you may sit relaxed in comfortable sitting posture , and start with alternate Nostril-breathing . It is a very good technique to ease out toxins from ones body.

Gradually, you may get to learn a few more Yoga-postures too. But, it is better if you get in touch with a Yoga-trainer, in person.

Happy Breathing! :)

PS: Remember one very important rule : When you are going against the Gravity, breath-in. And while coming towards gravity, breath-out.
All the aasans and Yoga-postures has to be performed along with breathing. That is how it is different than Aerobics / Exercise